Thursday, January 23, 2014

Wind Power! The Proven Wave of the Future! Government as Protector of the Environment and Generator of Energy!

The Tea Party Leadership Fund Push to Primary John Boehner. Your signature is needed by January 31, 2014!

Draft Jim Bridenstine for U.S. Senate for Oklahoma led by the Senate Conservatives Fund. Normally, I do not do drafts. This is an exception.


“These two wind turbines will take four centuries to pay for themselves

One British town is in the renewable energy game for the long run —literally. The town bought two wind turbines that will take more than four centuries to pay for themselves (I think maybe before then, something better will come along and this project will be abandoned! What do you think? Of course, that is only four hundred years!—my addition).

The BBC reports that the two wind turbines installed in the English town of Rushcliffe will not likely produce any financial benefits for the town. Rushcliffe spent nearly $50,000 in 2004 installing the wind turbines at a county park, which doesn’t actually get much wind (Always a smart and rational move for WIND turbines!—my addition).

‘Due to higher than anticipated maintenance costs and relatively low generation rates, it is unlikely the council will make a financial saving within the anticipated lifespan of the turbine,’ said the Rushcliffe Borough Council.

The wind turbines’ poor location and mechanical problems mean that it only produced 477 kilowatt hours in 2012 and 2013. Last year, the turbine only generated about $121 worth of power, meaning that it would take 405 years for them to pay for themselves.

The Rushcliffe council, however, contended that the ‘meter wasn’t operating properly’ and that the two turbines usually produce 3,478 kilowatt hours annually—which would still mean a 55-year payback period.

This information was obtained by the UK Telegraph as part of an in-depth investigation on how the towns all across the United Kingdom are spending millions of dollars on wind turbines that are faulty and don’t generate enough revenue to pay for themselves (Minor detail for true environmental extremists!—my addition).

‘Some turbines generate so little energy they would take hundreds of years to repay their original value,’ Telegraph reported. ‘Experts argue that the failure of some wind turbines to recoup their value shows how small wind turbines are a poor way to generate renewable energy.’

Only three out of a handful of the towns that responded to the Telegraph’s inquiries had wind turbines with payback periods under ten years.

‘Wind energy is an experiment, and sometimes the lessons learnt are hard and dearly bought,’ Dr. John Constable, director at the Renewable Energy Foundation, told the Telegraph. ‘The truth is that foolishly ambitious targets and silly levels of subsidy have overheated the wind industry, resulting in defective technologies and poor installations (The best laid plans often go astray and these are not even close to the best laid plans! In the long run, government planning seldom if ever works! Inevitably they end up costing more and doing less than planned!—my addition).’

In Scotland, wind power developers are being criticized for cutting down millions of trees to make room for wind turbines—all in the name of independence (Wait! I thought trees were important to the well being of the environment? Plant a tree! Not cut down a tree!—my addition).

The Times of London reported that about five million trees have been cut down since 2007 in order to make way for wind farms. Only about 1,957 acres of woodland were planted after the wind farms were built (Picky, picky, picky!—my addition).

The left-leaning Scottish National Party that wants to secede from the United Kingdom has often invoked renewable energy as a path to independence.

Scottish Conservative energy spokesman Murdo Fraser told the Times, ‘the [Scottish National Party] is so blindly obsessed with renewable energy that it doesn’t mind destroying another important environmental attribute to make way for it (Of course! Do not bother me with details or unintended consequences! I know this is the right thing to do!—my addition).’”

Government planning almost never works as well as free market principles. So why do government authorities continually push for government planning and ignore free market principles? If it is economically viable and economically profitable let the free market do it assuming all the risks! Oh wait! Government knows best! NOT!

This is my two part suggestion to Tea Party groups, social conservatives, Constitutionalists, and anyone else who wants to save our Republic from the approaching destruction.

1) Run as many conservative candidates in as many Republican primaries as possible.

2) Then, run as many independent and/or third party candidates as possible in as many races as possible where we did not win the primary.

That is why I am working to get the Constitution Party on the ballot in Texas. If we get on the ballot, we will have two Congressional House candidates running and two State candidates running. Getting on the ballot is the first step. Winning elections is the second. Winning elections will grow the Party. The Constitution Party is much more in line with the Tea Party movement than is the Republican Party. And I have been involved with all three!

The Constitution Party of Texas website:                                                       

If elected to Congress, I will not, under any circumstances, vote for present Speaker of the House John Boehner to be Speaker of the House. I call on every Republican primary candidate running in Texas Congressional District 19 to publicly (in writing) make the same pledge. It would not be a bad idea for every Republican candidate running for the House of Representatives to give the same pledge. See my post at on December 16, 2013 entitled “Speaker of the House John Boehner Attacks the Tea Party Again for Being Fiscally Responsible!” 

If I am elected to the House, I will use the Constitution, as written, to do everything in my power to stop judicial tyranny! Will the other candidates pledge the same? I know our present Representative has NOT done everything possible to stop judicial tyranny! Why is that?

Competition is good for the economy and competition is good for the Republican Party!!! Competition keeps Congressmen committed to we the people!!! Primary Republicans who do not support the Constitution as written.

The Constitution Party of Texas website:

E 15 EPA nonsense