Friday, January 17, 2014

The Obama Administration: The Young Are Dropping Out of the Labor Force. The Obama Administration’s Solution? Raise the Minimum Wage! Welcome Illegals! Isn’t that Insane?

The Tea Party Leadership Fund Push to Primary John Boehner. Your signature is needed by January 31, 2014!

Also, January 21, dine at Chick fil A to support Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty

March for Life is January 22 in Washington D.C. and other communities throughout the nation!


“Who Is Dropping Out of the Labor Force?
January 17, 2014

The labor force participation rate has dropped 7 percentage points for workers ages 16 to 24, says Diana Furchtgott-Roth, director of Economics21 at the Manhattan Institute (That is a huge drop for this age group!—my addition)

· Young workers (ages 16 to 24) have seen the largest decline in labor force participation, dropping from 62 percent to 55 percent between 2003 and 2013.

· For workers between age 25 and 54, the participation rate has only declined by 2 percentage points (from 83 to 81 percent).

· For Americans age 55 and older, participation has increased by 4.6 percentage points over the last decade, for both men and women.

The fall in young workers' labor force participation rates has not corresponded with a similar increase in school enrollment. In fact, the percent of 16 to 24 year olds enrolled in high school, college and university increased by only 0.3 percentage points over the last 10 years (Which means this: What are these 7% doing? Supported by government? Supported by parents? Supported by crime? And the Obama Administration wants to raise the minimum wage and allow illegals! What do you think either one of those actions are going to do to this rate? Can you say: “DOWN, please!”—my addition).

Part of the reason that fewer jobs exist for younger workers is due to the increase in labor force participation for older workers: older Americans are retiring later, which means that there are fewer job openings for the youth.

On top of this, gross domestic product growth has been very slow. Slow growth means little job creation, which in turn discourages participants and leads younger and middle-aged workers to drop out of the labor force.

Without major tax, regulatory and entitlement reform, the poor labor force participation rate is unlikely to improve. (My use of red—my addition)

Source: Diana Furchtgott-Roth, ‘Who Is Dropping Out of the Labor Force, and Why?’ Real Clear Markets, January 14, 2014.”

The federal government needs to end the income taxation of all business income. All federal regulations imposed by the Obama Administration need to be frozen, reviewed by Congress, and ended as appropriate. And then, we need to turn our attention to untangling the entitlement mentality and getting people back to being self-sufficient!

This is my two part suggestion to Tea Party groups, social conservatives, Constitutionalists, and anyone else who wants to save our Republic from the approaching destruction.

1) Run as many conservative candidates in as many Republican primaries as possible.

2) Then, run as many independent and/or third party candidates as possible in as many races as possible where we did not win the primary.

That is why I am working to get the Constitution Party on the ballot in Texas. If we get on the ballot, we will have two Congressional House candidates running and two State candidates running. Getting on the ballot is the first step. Winning elections is the second. Winning elections will grow the Party. The Constitution Party is much more in line with the Tea Party movement than is the Republican Party. And I have been involved with all three!

The Constitution Party of Texas website:

If elected to Congress, I will not, under any circumstances, vote for present Speaker of the House John Boehner to be Speaker of the House. I call on every Republican primary candidate running in Texas Congressional District 19 to publicly (in writing) make the same pledge. It would not be a bad idea for every Republican candidate running for the House of Representatives to give the same pledge. See my post at on December 16, 2013 entitled “Speaker of the House John Boehner Attacks the Tea Party Again for Being Fiscally Responsible!”

If I am elected to the House, I will use the Constitution, as written, to do everything in my power to stop judicial tyranny! Will the other candidates pledge the same? I know our present Representative has NOT done everything possible to stop judicial tyranny! Why is that?

Competition is good for the economy and competition is good for the Republican Party!!! Competition keeps Congressmen committed to we the people!!! Primary Republicans who do not support the Constitution as written.

The Constitution Party of Texas website:

If you haven’t seen this video of Ray Stevens: “Mr. President, Mr. President,” watch it today