Friday, December 13, 2013

Congress: Texas Congressional Candidates Currently Certified to Run for the Congressional District 19 House of Representatives Seat

One of my goals before I die is to see the end of unconstitutional “legalized” MURDER. I am determined to help end this evil catastrophe. And ending it is necessary for the good of this nation. This nation will never heal until we, as a society, stop MURDERING the innocent. I hope to have an announcement in relation to this on Friday the 13th. The LORD willing!

This post is one segment of my announcement:

I have filed an Application for Nomination by [the] Constitution Party Convention of Texas.

If all goes well and if The Constitution Party of Texas is able to get on the ballot for the 2014 election cycle:

I will be running for the House of Representatives from District 19 in 2014

Segments of this announcement are posted on each of my blogs:

This segment is on other candidates running for election in Congressional District 19 in 2014.

Randy Neugebauer is the current Republican incumbent representing Congressional District 19. This election cycle he has two Republican challengers in the primary. The Democrat Party also has one candidate running. Therefore, he will be in the general election automatically. The Libertarian Party is presently a recognized party in Texas and is running a candidate also. He too is automatically in the general election since there is no other Libertarian candidate. The Republican Party is the only party that will have a contested primary. The primary is March 4, 2014. If a run-off election is necessary necessary if no one candidate receives 50% + 1 of the primary vote in the Republican contest it will be held on May 27, 2014. If the Constitution Party gets on the ballot need over 50,000 valid petition signatures from voters who did not vote in the primaryI will be the fourth candidate in the general election.

Republican candidates for the primary with their website address:

Randy Neugebauer, the Republican incumbent:

Donald May:

Chris Winn: no website given

The Democrat candidate is:

Neal Marchbanks:

The Libertarian candidate is:

Chip Peterson: