Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Earth Day, Climate Change, Man-Made Global Warming and the Truth about It All, part IV

A call to action for Christians from Ted Cruz:

From: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mijtx5W7130

A pro-life “April Fools” joke


Guess Who?


From: http://www.cfactcampus.org/2014/04/15/3rd-real-energy-speaker-series/?utm_source=CFACT+Updates&utm_campaign=068bf4d98f-E_Fact_Report4_22_2014&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_a28eaedb56-068bf4d98f-269705965

“Paul Driessen Featured in REAL Energy Speaker Series
Robert Harrelson
April 15, 2014

CFACT, as a part of its’ REAL Energy, Not Green Energy campaign, has travelled across the country over the past several months and featured some of the biggest names in free-market environmentalism on college campuses (Good! Young adults NEED to hear the truth!—my addition).

In California, schools had the opportunity to hear Marita Noon, executive director of Energy Makes America Great, Inc (Particularly needed in California!—my addition).

In New York, the students fought back against intolerant environmentalists in their hosting of Climate Depot’s Marc Morano (Also in New York!—my addition).

For the 3rd REAL Energy Speaker Series, Georgia Tech and Tulane University hosted CFACT’s senior policy advisor, Paul Driessen.

On Monday April 7th, Driessen spoke at Georgia Tech in a discussion-based format. Students from the Georgia State University CFACT chapter came from the other side of Atlanta to join the event. Driessen talked about the various ways that environmentalists hijacked this issue and its implications. Driessen wrote his book ‘Eco-imperialism, Green Power, Black Death’ to outline the fatal results of Environmental hubris.

Driessen argues that for environmentalists, it’s not about saving the environment. Instead, it’s about growing in power (Exactly correct! And reducing the human population! Humans, except for themselves of course because they are enlightened, are considered the enemy!—my addition). Basing one’s argument on faulty statistics of global warming is one sure way to misunderstand the proper solutions that are needed to create well-being for the most amount of people on this earth. For example, by banning the access to coal-fired power plants or other real forms of energy in many third-world countries, there is not even a remote possibility that they could then create the prosperous lifestyles that are found in the West.

Many of these radical so-called environmentalists would rather place large solar-panels on a hut to solve their energy needs (Of course! And then flip a switch to turn it on and off!—my addition).

Except for the fact that the solar panel can only provide small fraction of the power needed.

The solar panels also cost several years’ income for the impoverished families of third-world states (Solar is not cost effective! That is why it must rely on government subsidies! If it were, private companies would be investing their own money to bring it world wide! It is basic economics 101! Supply and demand!—my addition).

The students enjoyed the opportunity to hear Driessen and they stuck around to ask questions, even though they would miss the college basketball national championship game.

The next day of the speaker series trip, CFACT travelled to Birmingham, Alabama for a panel discussion on environmental sustainability. For a full recap of that event, click here.

After a quick plane flight down to New Orleans, the Speaker Series continued with an event Wednesday evening on the scenic and humid Tulane University campus.

Addressing the CFACT chapter at Tulane, Driessen offered an impassioned speech that touched on many of the same issues. He discussed, in detail, the sheer hypocrisy of the radical environmentalists in wanting to promote prosperity and safety, but at the same time withholding the very elements that made their own lifestyles possible (Coal, oil, and natural gas!—my addition).

Driessen discussed DDT, the chemical compound used to kill off mosquitos, that was a product the United States used to protect their crops, homes, and themselves. Driessen went into the statistics for how many people suffer from malaria as a result of mosquito bites every year. These numbers included deaths among women and children, and the numbers are staggering.

Driessen told of an individual’s story in facing malaria; how it is an absolutely horrible virus that could result in brain damage or even death.

This left the students speechless, as he continued on to say that promoting human health exceeds the high-brow demands for ‘environmental protection.’

Emily Johnson, Tulane’s CFACT chair, said ‘Mr. Driessen wowed the Tulane students when he spoke to us last week. His talk about sustainability and eco-imperialism was so relatable and touched many of us.’”

Imagine what the United States would be like today if we did not have coal, oil, and natural gas to propel our economic engine! And yet the eco-terrorists want to end there use and go what? Solar? Good luck! Wind? Good luck! Garbage? Good luck! Keep them away from our progress! They are a danger to our society and to themselves! Enjoy earth day. It has been brought to you by coal, oil, and natural gas!

Man-made global warming is just another man-made myth! And people talk about Christians living in faith! Believing in man-made global warming is putting your faith in liars and Charlatans!

Live Action

Every hour, the abortion industry ends the lives of four precious children. Think of the difference you could make with even one hour. Order and distribute The Advocate today.

PS: The Advocate is available to you for FREE. But, if you're able, you can help us cover the costs we incur on our end to bring you this pro-life resource. Please click this link, and make a 100% tax-deductible donation if you can.

For a PDF of The Advocate: http://www.liveaction.org/files/advocate/advocate12.pdf

Update: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/gosnell-movie

$1,212,074USD raised 20 days left

raised of $2,100,000 goal

Fixed Funding
This campaign will only receive funds if at least $2,100,000USD is raised by its deadline. Funding duration: March 28, 2014 - May 12, 2014 (11:59pm PT).

$1,124,251USD raised 21 days left

$1,011,618USD raised 23 days left

$974,477USD raised 24 days left

$899,613USD raised 26 days left

$778,398USD raised 27 days left

$726,062USD raised 28 days left


This is my two part suggestion to Tea Party groups, social conservatives, Constitutionalists, and anyone else who wants to save our Republic from the approaching destruction.

1) Run as many conservative candidates in as many Republican primaries as possible.

2) Then, run as many independent and/or third party candidates as possible in as many races as possible where we did not win the primary.

Competition is good for the economy and competition is good for the Republican Party!!! Competition keeps Congressmen committed to we the people!!! Primary Republicans who do not support the Constitution as written.