Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Impeach Barack Hussein Obama! Another Obamacare Mandate Is Changed by Presidential Fiat!

According to Politics1, there are nine Republicans running for the open Senate seat in Georgia including three current Congressmen. I was going to sit this primary out and let the voters of Georgia decide their candidate. I am not going to officially give support to any one candidate. That being said, Congressman Paul Broun is the only candidate that routinely sends me e-mails. His website is From what I can tell, he is a true conservative. I received an e-mail from his campaign yesterday that linked this great campaign ad! I had to share it!


This is a bonus video on Dr. Broun and the MURDER of unborn babies


“White House Delays Obamacare Employer Mandate; Forces Employers to get Permission from the IRS for Layoffs
by Lennie Jarratt
February 12, 2014

President Obama has once again decided to change a law without Congress. This time he is delaying the employer Obamacare mandate until 2016 for companies with 50-99 employees. He also lowered the percentage of companies of 100 or more to have to offer 70% of it’s employees coverage instead of 95%.

If you remember back in October 2013 with the government ‘shutdown’ the Republicans were trying to extend the mandate and Obama and the Democrats refused to negotiate on that point. Now we have Obama extended the mandates unilaterally.

One of the other provisions now is though employers must now justify any layoffs of reduction in hours to the IRS. Yes, the IRS is being directly inserted into the hiring/firing decisions of employers.

To be eligible for the additional delay, the Obama administration says an employer may not reduce the size of its workforce or the overall hours of service of its employees unless it can justify those reductions to the Internal Revenue Service.

[My use of red. The IRS is now competent to determine when a company may and may not layoff its workers? When did Congress convey this power and authority upon the IRS! The IRSthe Obama Administration enforcer!!! Where does the Constitution give this power to any portion of the federal government? If the House of Representatives does not impeach over this, every Representative who does not support impeachment should be fired! If John Boehner does not allow impeachment proceeding to go forward, he should be fired! Wait, John Boehner should already be fired!

The website: —my addition]

The IRS is now truly a political weapon to be used at the will of the Obama administration. Obama is telling business owners you will do as I say regardless of you business needs (My use of red. The tyrant in chief!—my addition).”

When is the Republican leadership in the House going to get a backbone and stand up for we the people and the nation! Barack Hussein Obama was NOT elected tyrant in chief! The Constitution does not give him this power and authority!

Impeach him! Impeach him! Impeach him!

This is my two part suggestion to Tea Party groups, social conservatives, Constitutionalists, and anyone else who wants to save our Republic from the approaching destruction.

1) Run as many conservative candidates in as many Republican primaries as possible.

2) Then, run as many independent and/or third party candidates as possible in as many races as possible where we did not win the primary.

That is why I am working to get the Constitution Party on the ballot in Texas. If we get on the ballot, we will have two Congressional House candidates running and two State candidates running. Getting on the ballot is the first step. Winning elections is the second. Winning elections will grow the Party. The Constitution Party is much more in line with the Tea Party movement than is the Republican Party. And I have been involved with all three!

The Constitution Party of Texas website:                                                                 

If elected to Congress, I will not, under any circumstances, vote for present Speaker of the House John Boehner to be Speaker of the House. I call on every Republican primary candidate running in Texas Congressional District 19 to publicly (in writing) make the same pledge. It would not be a bad idea for every Republican candidate running for the House of Representatives to give the same pledge. See my post at on December 16, 2013 entitled “Speaker of the House John Boehner Attacks the Tea Party Again for Being Fiscally Responsible!”

If I am elected to the House, I will use the Constitution, as written, to do everything in my power to stop judicial tyranny! Will the other candidates pledge the same? I know our present Representative has NOT done everything possible to stop judicial tyranny! Why is that?

If elected to Congress, I pledge that I will do everything within my authority as a member of the House of Representatives to begin and complete impeachment proceedings against the President of the United States for violating the Constitution, the laws of the United States as passed by Congress, and his oath of office. I call on every Republican primary candidate running in Texas Congressional District 19 to publicly (in writing) make the same pledge. It would not be a bad idea for every Republican candidate running for the House of Representatives to give the same pledge.

Competition is good for the economy and competition is good for the Republican Party!!! Competition keeps Congressmen committed to we the people!!! Primary Republicans who do not support the Constitution as written.

The Constitution Party of Texas website: