Monday, January 19, 2015

One Billion Abortions/Murders Worldwide since 1920? Is that Possible? Is that True? Oh, the Humanity of It All!

“God created human government. It is, therefore, inconceivable that God would create government and then tell His people to stay out of it.” ~ Pastor Adrian Rogers


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“Shock: 1 billion abortions in world since 1920
Steve Jalsevac
December 24, 2014

In an interview with LifeSite, Thomas Jacobson explained the benefits of the new Global Life Campaign’s information service for those seeking reliable, very detailed national, regional and international abortion statistics, national abortion legislations and other information on the issue (Shocking the number of MURDERS of unborn babies that have occurred worldwide! It is remarkable that GOD has still allowed the world to go on! There is a whole lot of evil in this world! A whole lot of repenting that needs to occur!my addition). The statistics, on over 120 nations and territories, compiled for 30 years by a top world expert, are said to be exceptionally detailed and comprehensive. There are also numerous graphs and charts providing useful overviews of the stats on particular regions and specific categories.

The main purpose of all the information that The Global Life Campaign provides on its website, says Jacobson, the organization’s Executive Director, is ‘to lift up the standard of the sanctity of life among all the nations, to remember the unborn and to serve pro-life nations of which there are 61 that still prohibit abortion. The organization seeks to help those pro-life nations to preserve their good laws (Good! They will need help! The United Nations with the complicity of the Obama Administration is trying to force these nations into the baby MURDERING business too!my addition).

It also reveals that there as 97 countries that have abortion on demand or have legalized abortifacients, there are 37 middle countries that permit abortion under restricted conditions, and in the 61 that prohibit abortion, the only exception that there might be would be to save the life of the mother (That is almost 200 total. Yet, earlier the article speaks of 120 and territories. Dont know why the discrepancy!my addition).

Jacobson stated that he has very carefully tracked all actual reported numbers of international abortions from 1920 forward and found that the total has exceeded 1 billion since that time. That, he emphasizes, ‘makes abortion the greatest genocide in history (Yes! How barbaric to MURDER the most innocent!my addition).’

On the website, Jacobson explains, they have a world graph that covers 78 nations in the over 1 billion, they have country graphs on 32 countries that show the specific numbers of abortions by year and there are 40-45 countries where the Global Life Campaign has good numbers on for most years. Their ‘next project is to set up a pilot project with a PhD team to review those countries and where they’ve got gaps and how to best fill those gaps.’

The website also displays the abortion laws of 181 countries, plus a sanctity of life section with multiple blogs covering such issues as what are the foundations for the sanctity of life, what are the roles and purposes of government and much more.

Jacobson related to LifeSite that the project started when he was working with Focus on the Family as their representative to the United Nations. There, he says he ‘became aware of the intense pressure that is applied to these nations to change their laws and make the same stupid mistakes that we made and cause their cultures to take dives toward destruction (Why? Is it guilt? Feel less guilty if others also participate in the sin of MURDERING their own children?my addition).’

Note the red for the worldwide abortion/MURDER legislation. Red for abortion/MURDER on demand. Red for almost the entire northern hemisphere. Red for the western civilized Christianworld. Red for the Caucasian world. Red for the shedding of innocent blood! Red for the need to repent and turn back to GOD who created all things! It is past time for Christians to end the MURDER of the innocent!

One billion abortions/MURDERS over 94 years (1920 through 2014) is over ten and one half million abortions/MURDERS a year!

10,638,297 MURDERS per year!

It is past time to end the American holocaust! It is past time to end the culture of MURDER! It is past time to end the MURDER of unborn children! Why are we not doing so?

End the murder of our unborn babies in the 114th Congress.
Sign the new Speaker John Boehner motivated petition to impeach our lawless President:

President Barack Hussein Obama: I can not bypass Congress and change the laws on my own!
