Friday, January 2, 2015

Is the Economy Getting Better as the Stock Market reaches Record Highs?

Update from:

“More than half-a-million letters, 525,000 to be specific, already are set to be delivered to the 247 GOP members of the U.S. House when they get back to business, urging them to replace Boehner as speaker.

And the momentum keeps building.

On Twitter, the hashtags #BoehnerMustGo and #DumpBoehner were surging, and other commentators, while not adopting the specific “JOIN THE DON’T BE YELLOW, DUMP BOEHNER NOW CAMPAIGN,” strategy, agree with the goal.”

“God created human government. It is, therefore, inconceivable that God would create government and then tell His people to stay out of it.” ~ Pastor Adrian Rogers

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Please continue to pray for Dr. Kent Brantly and all those involved with the Ebola outbreak in West Africa.

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“Only 6 Out of 10 Americans Eligible to Work Are Actually Working
Stephen Moore / @StephenMoore / November 16, 2014

First, the good news. The economy is unmistakably regaining some of its mojo (No thanks to anything being done by the federal government!my addition). We picked up another 214,000 jobs in October, according to the Labor Department (IF you want to belief the federal government! I do not believe anything coming from them! They cook the books at will!my addition), and with revisions from previous months, the number was closer to 250,000. Now THAT’S more like it (Part time jobs?my addition).

The stock market is on a raging bull ride, too (Primarily because of free moneymy addition). We keep adding wealth—at least on paper. That’s good for retirement funds, 401k plans and individual investors (It is not good for savers and those who relay on investment funds other than the stock market!my addition).

On the jobs front, hiring was seen in nearly every occupation from construction to nursing, to business services and retail all the way down to burger flippers. But too many of the new jobs are low paying, and that is a continued frustration for workers.

The truth is, though, if you have a useful skill—any useful skill—you can probably find a job these days (Then why have so many left the job market WHICH is not reflected in the employment numbers?my addition).

We learned recently that the unemployment rate had ticked down to 5.8 percent (A false number!my addition), but that number has become a standard joke among Americans looking for a job—or those looking for a better job.

We still have 2.2 million adults who have simply given up looking for a job (Which is not reflected in the unemployment rate but should be! They are unemployed!my addition). Only a little more than six in 10 Americans eligible to work are actually working.

That’s bad.

Family incomes can’t rise over time unless someone in the household is earning a paycheck. Welfare payments can’t—or at least shouldn’t—substitute for work ) [It has become its own industry!my addition].

OK, so businesses are profitable, stocks are soaring, and jobs are coming back. Hmmm. If things are so good, why are we all feeling so gloomy and anxious?

Why did we hear a primal scream of anger from voters about the condition of the economy? How can two of three of us say things in America are going in the wrong direction?

Three reasons:

First, wages just can’t seem to keep pace with inflation (What inflation? There is very little inflation according to the federal government!my addition). This is the middle class squeeze that Senator Rand Paul, R-Kentucky, talks so much about—and he’s right.

Wages are up 2 percent over the last year. But I’ve argued on these pages that the official inflation rate of just under 2 percent doesn’t match the higher costs of things Americans are buying—health care, tuition, food, and until recently, gas. These inflation rates are closer to 4 percent. The take home pay isn’t taking workers home.

Second, there’s a leadership crisis. Government is regarded with mistrust and disdain after the IRS scandal, Bengazi, the NSA scandal, the mishandling of Ebola and the failure of Obamacare to properly launch. Young people can’t understand how the feds can’t even run a website (More than these! We have a lawless President!my addition).

Meanwhile thugs such as Russian president Vladimir Putin kick sand in our face like we’re the weakling on the beach (The head of government is!my addition).

Too many of our kids are graduating from college with degrees in psychology or political science (Political science!my addition) or ethnic studies without knowing how to do anything valuable to employers—even change a light bulb (One graduates from college to be an employee?my addition).

Finally, there is the $10 trillion time bomb. That’s the combination of $7 trillion in new federal government debt and then another $3 trillion in cheap money from the Federal Reserve. This feels to people like an economy built on sand. This story of financial recklessness usually doesn’t have a happy ending (Usually? Worse than any of these economic aspects is the moral decay of this nation! Countries fall because of moral decay! The moral decay pulls down the economy! The economy does not cause moral decay
Why should I work when the government gives me free money that the government gets by steal from the people?my addition).

But for now at least, things are getting better—slowly.

I’m one who thinks the best is yet to come, and that’s in part because voters had the courage to tell their elected leaders in Washington and city hall: You’re fired. This could be the start of something big.

Originally appeared on

Sign the new Speaker John Boehner motivated petition to impeach our lawless President:

President Barack Hussein Obama: I can not bypass Congress and change the laws on my own!
