Friday, May 16, 2014

Transgender School Restrooms: Another School District Loses Its Common Sense on the Advice of Lawyers?

Obamacare in one sentence. Just a reminder of what needs to be repealed!

Ted Cruz: Yes we can!

A call to action for Christians from Ted Cruz:


“AZ school district latest to cave on either-sex bathroom policy
Bob Kellogg (
May 14, 2014

Its a story being repeated in public schools, and now an Arizona school district has a policy to allow children to use bathrooms of the opposite sex.

On the advice of attorneys, the Tucson Unified School District was told it has to allow young students to be able to use the bathrooms of the opposite sex (I lived in Tucson or surrounding unincorporated areas from 1980 to 2004. During that time, Tucson was the most liberal large city in Arizona and Tucson Unified was the most liberal large school district. This idiocy does not surprise me at all! My guess is, the school board wants this and is trying to hide behind the advice of attorney mantra! If not, the attorneys deserve to be fired!—my addition).

Jonathan Scruggs of Alliance Defending Freedom says that’s simply not true from both a legal and commonsense perspective (Of course it is not! It is part of the Left lunacy!—my addition).

‘No court has held that schools or other institutions must allow students to access opposite-sex restrooms or changing areas,’ Scruggs notes.

In 2009, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that public schools can restrict restrooms to members of the same sex for safety reasons without violating Title IX (Title IX allows federal regulation of schools in exchange for bribes educational money!—my addition).

The issue of transgenders and school bathrooms has been an ongoing issue in California, where Privacy for all Students was formed to fight the so-called ‘bathroom bill.’ The group tried—unsuccessfully so far—to get the issue on a statewide ballot (The organization has been hindered every step of the way by elected Democrat officials!—my addition).

In March, an Arizona TV news station reported from a school meeting that Tucson parents were upset over the bathroom policy and demanded privacy for their children (What a shock! Parents have common sense; the school board does not!—my addition).

One parent said her 10-year-old son was using the urinal when a girl walked in on him, according to the news report.

Scruggs says the real focus should be on the safety of the children attending these schools. He cautions the bathroom rule includes children who kindergarten students, meaning five-year-olds could be exposed to the opposite sex in a restroom.

‘And that’s just not appropriate,’ he says.”

A lot of what the Left does is not appropriate! It is past time to remove them from all levels of government! The Left cares not for liberty!

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This is my two part suggestion to Tea Party groups, social conservatives, Constitutionalists, and anyone else who wants to save our Republic from the approaching destruction.

1) Run as many conservative candidates in as many Republican primaries as possible.

2) Then, run as many independent and/or third party candidates as possible in as many races as possible where we did not win the primary.

Competition is good for the economy and competition is good for the Republican Party!!! Competition keeps Congressmen committed to we the people!!! Primary Republicans who do not support the Constitution as written.