Saturday, November 9, 2013

Man Made Global Warming, Climate Change, The Lying President, Executive Orders, and the Constitution of the United States

Watch this video by a Black about the Republican and Democrat Parties

Watch these videos about Obamacare

Must watch video on Common Core Education Standards

Competition is good for the economy and competition is good for the Republican Party!!! Competition keeps Congressmen committed to we the people!!! Primary Republicans who do not support the Constitution as written.


“Executive Order on Climate Change: Follow the Money
by Marilyn Assenheim
November 6, 2013

Last Friday, FOX News aired a story about another Executive Order. There has been a media blackout since then. The story concerns yet another abduction of control by The Lyin’ King (President Barack Hussein Obama, in case you do not recognize who she is referring to!my addition); this time he is involving a takeover of United States ‘climate change’ policy.

This particular usurpation of power is largely on folk’s back-burner. Its significance, however, is farther reaching than most. What has gone unnoticed and unremarked is that this Constitutional larceny not only evades legislative branch oversight, it is an undisguised imposition of federal will on state and local communities (Which is nothing new with the Obama Administration! As far as the Obama Administration is concerned, the States are not sovereign! The States are nothing more than provinces of the national government! Note I did not say the federal government because there is a difference between a national government and a federal government. A national government is supreme and can do whatever it wants unless restricted. In a federal system, the federal government can only do what is allowed by the Constitution! Big difference! Barack Obama does not want the restricts placed upon a federal government. Therefore, he has unilaterally declared by his actions that the federal government is actually a national government and he can do as he pleases. And Congress is letting him get away with it over and over again and so are the States! It is called TYRANNY!my addition). FOX News reported the purpose as being intended ‘to elevate and take control of climate change policies (Even though there is NO man made global warming and he, nor anyone else, can alter what changes are occurring in the climate which occur continually over time. The earth has periods of increasing temperatures and periods of decreasing temperatures and has had since its creation by GOD!my addition) …’ FOX News further reported the alleged purpose of such a stroke: ‘The task force will look at federal money spent on roads, bridges, flood control and other projects. It ultimately will recommend how structures can be made more resilient to the effects of climate change, such as rising sea levels and warming temperatures.’ Bingo. The federal government will now take control of how and where money is spent for their pet, revolving-failure projects (like green energy). The federal government will control all of the purse strings. They will make certain that they get their piece of the pie; grabbing more taxes and funds to apply where and to whomever they please (Just like the Obama grab of healthcare! Which never has been about improving the health of the country. But rather, putting increasing power and control into the hands of the federal government contrary to the Constitution of the United States. And the Republicans could have stopped it by NOT funding Obamacare! The leadership in the Senate capitulated and did NOT! The Constitution does not give the federal government ANY say or control over health!my addition). They will use all of the buzzwords platitudes necessary to lull their acolytes while lining their pockets and those of their cronies. All the while creating a nation devoid of statesrights. Sounds a lot like Obamacare and the Common Core Curriculum, among other things, doesnt it (My use of red. Three areas, among many, that the federal government has NO constitutional authority over: 1) the environment, 2) healthcare, and 3) education! Now, the Obama Administration did not start these usurpations! It has GREATLY accelerated each of them without input by Congress except for healthcare which, as passed, has not even been close to being constitutional! Who cares?my addition)?

The EPA is, not surprisingly, all in favor. EPA administrator, Gina McCarthy was quoted as saying ‘To meet our mission of protecting public health and the environment, EPA must help communities adapt to a changing climate. These Implementation Plans offer a roadmap for … carrying out President Obama’s goal of preparing the country for climate-related challenges (What nonsense!my addition).’ The flaws in this Obamaspeak gibberish were exposed by FOX News, who itemized some of the dangers of this order:

• Holding back money to communities unless they meet new standards on various items and agendas set by the federal government (The communities should not be receiving money from the federal government in the first place in these areas!my addition).

• A possible mandate to bring sweeping new changes to land use and resource policies (The federal government has no authority in these areas!my addition).

• More control and refocus of climate change data and use of it to push a new agenda into every priority of the federal government (Unconstitutional federal government control and power!my addition).

• Create the need for a new internal organization for coordination efforts during a government sequestration and possible future shutdowns (Do what they want even if the law does not allow it! The last shutdown should have shown to everyone that the federal government has too much unconstitutional power and control!my addition).

One can add that climate change critics can now be more readily silenced. In short, more money and more power.

Why, one might ask, in the face of so many other atrocities committed by the Imperial president is one more Executive Order important? Such a question provides part of the answer. America has become desensitized by the deliberate frequency of Executive Orders (Illegal and unconstitutional Executive Orders! By the way, executive orders, as such, are not in the Constitution either!my addition). Americans are increasingly habituated to the breadth of the outrages being committed against them. This encourages greater incursions by The Lyin’ King’s executive branch. Each Executive Order is more extreme than the last. Even if one could respond, where to begin? That’s just the tip of the iceberg.

Most who criticize The Lyin’ King are satisfied to label him a Socialist stooge. That’s not the whole of it. He is, primarily, a Chicago thug (Exactly what I have been saying all along!my addition). Every Executive order has been proof of that.

The danger to America is that every unilateral action opens the door, ever wider, to more theft of our liberty. Money is power and The Lyin’ King is amassing more and more of both (And the Congress and the State are, for the most part, allowing it to happen!my addition).”

First, global temperatures have not been significantly increasing for the last fifteen years! The Obama Administration does not care! They want power and control!

Second, there is no man made global warming! GOD controls climate! HE always has! HE always will! And HE has promised that there will always be cold and heat, rain and snow until HE destroys the world as it is! See Genesis 8: 21-22.

Third, what the Administration was, is, and will be doing is unconstitutional unless the Constitution is amended by the proscribed process.

Fourth, it is all being done for power and control not to saveanything or anyone! There is nothing to save!”

Video: President Barack Hussein Obama now & then on Obamacare

E-book available: Why Uphold Marriage?

We need to keep supporting and working for PRO-LIFE, PRO-TRADITIONAL FAMILY candidates and representatives at all levels of government.

Never give-up!


You will know them by their words and deeds!

Matthew 12: 35-37 (NIV)

“A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in him, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in him. But I tell you that everyone will have to give account on the day of judgment for every empty word they have spoken. For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned.”

Matthew 11: 19b (NIV)

“But wisdom is proved right by her deeds.”

This question was at the side of an article I posted on

“Debating Abortion: Should You Use Pro-Choice or Pro-Abortion?”

My answer: Neither! We should name it by what it is! PRO-MURDER!!!

Dave Ramsey video on Obamacare:

Texas Congressman Ted Poe’s constituents response to Obamacare

By their words and actions you will know them!

Texas Senator John Cornyn is already running ads for his reelection in 2014! We will not be fooled! John Cornyn voted for cloture to FUND Obamacare! John Cornyn owns Obamacare!

John Cornyn owns Obamacare! REMEMBER THE ALAMO!!!

John Cornyn owns Obamacare! REMEMBER THE ALAMO!!!

John Cornyn owns Obamacare! REMEMBER THE ALAMO!!!




1) Obamacare is immoral!

2) Obamacare is illegal!

3) Obamacare is unconstitutional!

4) the American people do NOT want Obamacare implemented!

5) If you vote for Obamacare funding, YOU OWN Obamacare!

6) Obamacare is a vote for, vote against issue in 2014!

7) He/she represents US not the Party and not the President!

Watch this video on Great Britain hospitals!

Video of Senator Harry Reid in 2006 on raising the debt ceiling to 9 trillion dollars!

Now in 2013 they are increasing the debt to almost 18 trillion dollars! That is a doubling of the debt in 7 years!!! In 7 years! And now Harry Reid is claiming that it is essential that the debt limit be raised! What happened? The Democrats took control of Congress and the Presidency! And now all logic is just the reverse of what it was in 2006. They lied then or they are lying now!!!