Saturday, October 26, 2013

NO More Common Core! Restore Local Control to Public Education

Watch this video on crypto lock virus if you have not seen:

Must watch video on Common Core Education Standards

Watch Senator Ted Cruz at the Values Voters Summit

Notice the rudeness and intolerance of the Left and how well Senator Cruz deflates it! He will continue to be harassed by the Left since they have no ideas and therefore must act as children demanding what they want over all else! These people are governing our nation? It is the Chicago way! When will the American people get fed up with it and shut them downpolitically speaking?

Competition is good for the economy and competition is good for the Republican Party!!! Competition keeps Congressmen committed to we the people!!! Primary Republicans who do not support the Constitution as written.

There is an election for Governor and other offices in Virginia on November 5th. The Republican for Governor is Ken Cuccinelli. The Democrat is Terry McAuliffe. Get involved in this election! Terry McAuliffe is a shill for Hillary Clinton.


“Tom Pauken: No more Common Core
By: Tom Pauken

Republican advocates for the Common Core State Standards have been surprised to discover deep and persistent opposition to a top down, educational system driven by a ‘testing to the test’ mindset which seeks to push all students towards a four year university degree (And to propagandize them for their entire time in K-12!my addition). You might say that, by failing to anticipate objections from grassroots conservatives, Common Core advocates are guilty of the soft bigotry of low expectations.

But, the trajectory of the debate and the passion it engenders from many parents, educators, grassroot conservatives and employers dissatisfied with the increasing state and national control over local public education, is not at all surprising to those of us in Texas who have watched and participated in the battle over our state’s education policy in recent years. As Chairman of the Texas Workforce Commission, I was heavily involved in that battle.

Over the past two decades, intellectual elites took control of Texas public schools and implemented a philosophy that shares with the Common Core the same defining characteristics:

- a top-down, centralized approach

- an obsession with testing

- one-size-fits-all standards and curriculum

- the use of buzzwords like ‘rigor’ so as to imply that opponents favor low quality education

- giving lots [of] lip service to principles like local control while essentially threatening those (schools, districts, states) who don’t choose to comply to do so under state mandates.

In Texas, this approach to education goes back to initiatives begun by Ross Perot in 1984 which gained steam under Democratic Governor Ann Richards in the early 1990s. But, when George W. Bush was Governor, this top-down, centralized educational philosophy came to dominance (And is still being pushed by Jeb Bush in the form of Common Core! No Presidential nomination for him!my addition).

Despite the liberal roots of Bush’s education policy Republicans in 1995 were generally supportive of his reforms even though the architect of his plan was Sandy Kressthe former Chairman of the Dallas Democratic Party (Seriously!my addition). It’s not hard to understand why. Many Texans were tired of seeing their tax dollars go to fund public schools that did not appear to be doing well. High stakes testing was sold as necessary to keep administrators accountable. Moreover, conservatives were weary of the left’s constant accusations of racism; and, thus, the increasingly rigid graduation requirements that were promoted by the Bush Administration provided a good soundbite: The Bush Administration had high expectations for all Texas students, not just high achieving school districts.

Texans subsequently learned that you can’t legislate achievement (Never could; never will! Achievement is determined by the individual! As the old saying goes which Texans should know, you can lead a horse to water, but you can not make him drink!my addition). Getting students to pass an increasing number of state mandated tests came to be the focal point in many classrooms. The rest of the country learned the same thing when President Bush took his education policies to Washington in the form of No Child Left Behind. More than a decade after the passage of that bill, it is clear that you can’t make every student proficient in reading and math simply by writing it into law and requiring a bunch of tests (Ditto!my addition).

Republican supporters of the Common Core have missed the shift that has occurred among conservatives since the time when Bush took office in Texas. Conservatives have returned to their roots. After letting their guard down in the mid-1990s, they recovered their healthy suspicion of centralization and top-down solutions. Common Core advocates appear to be genuinely dumbfounded that anyone would not support implementation of their standards. Yet the past two presidential administrations have taught us to be highly skeptical when a room full of experts say ‘trust us (Always!my addition).’

Texans finally had enough. A remarkably diverse coalition emerged over the last couple of years—perhaps the most diverse political alliance I’ve seen in my half-century in politics. The bipartisan group consisted of parents from affluent suburbs and the inner city, teachers and superintendents, business owners, and legislators from both rural and urban districts. They were fed up with the obsession with high stakes tests that had come to dominate every aspect of Texas public schools. And, employers who were struggling to fill slots for good paying jobs in the skilled trades were tired of a mentality that denigrated working with your hands and said that all kids should go to college.

The result was that in its most recent regular session, the Texas Legislature passed House Bill 5, which Governor Rick Perry signed into law after intense pressure from voters who barraged his office with calls in support of the bill. HB 5 significantly reduces the amount of standardized tests high school students must take to graduate. It also, undoes the one size fits all approach curriculum approach, giving students multiple pathways to graduation. Under the new law, local school districts will have greater flexibility to develop graduation plans that will help prepare those students interested in a career pathway to get an industry-certified credential or a license by the time they graduate from high school.

Some Common Core advocates may tell you that their approach to education has not been tried and found wanting but rather found difficult and not tried. Don’t believe them. Texans tried it for more than a decade and found it very wanting—so much so that they finally stood up to an army of well-paid lobbyists and condescending bureaucrats to demand a return to common sense (Every once in awhile common sense prevails!my addition).

Tom Pauken is a former Reagan official and Republican candidate for Governor of Texas.

The federal government has NO constitutional authority to be involved in education. NONE! States have allowed the violation of the Constitution because of the easy allure of MORE MONEY and the nonsense sprouted by the Left that it is for the children! The Left does not care about children! They care about control! It is past time to dismantle the federal educational bureaucracy, do away with the Department of [Mis]Education, and return the control of education to the State and local communities as has been the case for most of our history!

Watch this video about one Indiana school district

Cruz was greeted with an eight-minute standing ovation in an appearance organized by the Texas Federation of Republican Women. People in attendance, many of them wearing red to show their support for keeping Texas a conservative-leaning state, lined up to greet him.”

Galatians 6: 7-9 (NIV)

Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”

E-book available: Why Uphold Marriage?

We need to keep supporting and working for PRO-LIFE, PRO-TRADITIONAL FAMILY candidates and representatives at all levels of government.

Never give-up!


You will know them by their words and deeds!

Matthew 12: 35-37 (NIV)

“A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in him, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in him. But I tell you that everyone will have to give account on the day of judgment for every empty word they have spoken. For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned.”

Matthew 11: 19b (NIV)

“But wisdom is proved right by her deeds.”

This question was at the side of an article I posted on

“Debating Abortion: Should You Use Pro-Choice or Pro-Abortion?”

My answer: Neither! We should name it by what it is! PRO-MURDER!!!

Dave Ramsey video on Obamacare:

Texas Congressman Ted Poe’s constituents response to Obamacare

By their words and actions you will know them!

Galatians 6: 7-9 (NIV)

“Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”

Texas Senator John Cornyn is already running ads for his reelection in 2014! We will not be fooled! John Cornyn voted for cloture to FUND Obamacare! John Cornyn owns Obamacare!

John Cornyn owns Obamacare! REMEMBER THE ALAMO!!!

John Cornyn owns Obamacare! REMEMBER THE ALAMO!!!

John Cornyn owns Obamacare! REMEMBER THE ALAMO!!!




1) Obamacare is immoral!

2) Obamacare is illegal!

3) Obamacare is unconstitutional!

4) the American people do NOT want Obamacare implemented!

5) If you vote for Obamacare funding, YOU OWN Obamacare!

6) Obamacare is a vote for, vote against issue in 2014!

7) He/she represents US not the Party and not the President!

Watch this video on Great Britain hospitals!

Video of Senator Harry Reid in 2006 on raising the debt ceiling to 9 trillion dollars!

Now in 2013 they are increasing the debt to almost 18 trillion dollars! That is a doubling of the debt in 7 years!!! In 7 years! And now Harry Reid is claiming that it is essential that the debt limit be raised! What happened? The Democrats took control of Congress and the Presidency! And now all logic is just the reverse of what it was in 2006. They lied then or they are lying now!!!