Friday, December 26, 2014

Another Outrage: Another policeman stops a teenager—female this time—same old story? Not quite. Watch the video!

Update from:

“More than half-a-million letters, 525,000 to be specific, already are set to be delivered to the 247 GOP members of the U.S. House when they get back to business, urging them to replace Boehner as speaker.

And the momentum keeps building.

On Twitter, the hashtags #BoehnerMustGo and #DumpBoehner were surging, and other commentators, while not adopting the specific “JOIN THE DON’T BE YELLOW, DUMP BOEHNER NOW CAMPAIGN,” strategy, agree with the goal.”

“God created human government. It is, therefore, inconceivable that God would create government and then tell His people to stay out of it.” ~ Pastor Adrian Rogers

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My blog site for the U.S. House of Representatives District 19 for Texas campaign is:



Please continue to pray for Dr. Kent Brantly and all those involved with the Ebola outbreak in West Africa.

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“Teen girl gets surprise of life in traffic stop
Dad: I completely blindsided her’
December 25, 2014

Cops come in all shapes, sizes and demeanors but this one seemed to be dropped from heaven for a girl who needed a boost.

After a rough year spent in and out of Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin for a rare, life-threatening condition, a Saukville teenager got a Christmas surprise from her dad, reported FOX6 News in Milwaukee. The big surprise wasn’t only the gift—but how he delivered it (This may have been the first time she was every pulled over by a policeman!my addition).

On November 21, Audra Daniloff was pulled over by a Saukville police officer. The officer told her it was because she rolled through a stop sign and politely asked for her driver’s license.

‘I got some good news and some bad news for you, OK?’ said the officer. ‘The bad news, first, is I’m giving you two tickets (Two for one offense?my addition).’

Watch the video:

On website. Do watch!

Audra can be seen on the police video lowering her eyes.

‘OK,’ she says, dejectedly.

‘The good news is they’re probably not the tickets you expect me to give you, OK?’ the officer says.

‘OK,’ Audra says, with a nervous sigh, perhaps wondering what other severe infraction she might have committed.

‘One is a ticket to New York, an airplane ticket. And the other ticket is to a band called Timeflies. I talked to your dad, and that’s from your dad. It’s not a joke,’ the officer says. ‘Read it.’

Audra’s jaw drops, her eyes now wide open as she looks at the ticket to a concert by her favorite band.

She is speechless for several seconds. Tears start to well up in her eyes as she realizes this is a set-up from someone wanting to bless her, not a ticket for rolling through a stop sign.

… ‘she says. ‘You’re my favorite cop in the entire world!’

Saukville Police Chief Jeffrey Goetz said when Audra’s dad approached him about his little plan, he thought it was a great idea (Who would not?my addition).

‘He had given me a little back story on what his daughter had been through and thought that this concert would make her day if she got to go to New York—and we were happy to be a part of that,’ he told FOX6.

Goetz says not only did it make Audra’s day, but it meant a lot to the police department, even if some naysayers lobbed criticism of the kindly act (Seriously?my addition).

‘I would argue the fact—that we’re wasting our resources. I think that’s exactly what our resources should be used for,’ Goetz told FOX6.

Audra continues to get treatment at Children’s Hospital. She was there getting an infusion on Tuesday, the day before Christmas Eve—and did not feel well enough to talk with FOX6 News. But Audra’s dad assures us his daughter is on the mend—and plans to go away to Madison for college next year. She’ll be studying to be a child life specialist.”

This is how it should be! Why isnt it always like this? SIN! Something the United States seems not to want to recognize or realize anymore. Until we get back to good and evil, sin and righteousness, we will have immense problems in this nation! Man can not wash sin away. Sin can not be outlawed by man!

Sign the new Speaker John Boehner motivated petition to impeach our lawless President:

Government Golf Ball subsidy! Beautiful!


Abraham Lincoln:

President Barack Hussein Obama: I can not bypass Congress and change the laws on my own!


Jonathan Gruber’s controversial comments about Obamacare in a single two minute video:

Jonathan Gruber before Congress he either lied to Congress or he lied to his fellow academics? Which do you think he lied to? I know my answer! So does Chairman Issa!


