Tuesday, August 5, 2014

President Barack Hussein Obama Claims the United States Was Guilty of Torture!

Please pray for Dr. Kent Brantly and all those involved with the Ebola outbreak in West Africa.

www.amazon.com has the exclusive right to sale my e-books in its Kindle Store.


1) The direct link to the e-book Constitution Workbook for Gunslingers.


2) The direct link to the e-book Constitution Answerbook for Gunslingers.


3) The direct link to the e-book The Black Sword: The Secret U.S. Army in Vietnam


4) The direct link to the e-book Bible Questionbook on Homosexuality for GODseekers


5) The direct link to the e-book Bible Answerbook on Homosexuality for GODseekers


6) The direct link to the e-book The Bold Church of Jesus, the Christ: The Bold Church and the Holy Spirit Questionbook (This is the first book in a series on The Bold Church of Jesus, the Christ)


7) The direct link to the e-book The Bold Church of Jesus, the Christ: The Bold Church and the Holy Spirit Answerbook (This is the second book in a series on The Bold Church of Jesus, the Christ)


8) The direct link to the e-book The Bold Church of Jesus, the Christ: The Church Individually and Collectively Questionbook (This is the third book in a series on The Bold Church of Jesus, the Christ)


9) The direct link to the e-book The Bold Church of Jesus, the Christ: The Church Individually and Collectively Answerbook (This is the forth book in a series on The Bold Church of Jesus, the Christ)


Primaries in August:

16) Kansas Primary: August 5, 2014 Milton Wolf for U.S. Senate

Website: http://www.miltonwolf.com/

Donate: https://secure.piryx.com/donate/swpfipwh/Milton-Wolf-for-U-S-Senate

Campaign ad: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qdQHZIFJLU0

22) Michigan State Primary: August 5, 2014

Conservative Candidate Tom McMillin of Congressional District 8
Conservative Candidate John Moolenaar of Congressional District 4
25) Missouri Primary: August 5, 2014

47) Washington Primary: August 5, 2014

42) Tennessee Primary: August 7, 2014 (Thursday) Joe Carr for U.S. Senate

Website: http://www.carrfortn.com/

Donate: https://secure.carrfortn.com/donation1/?initiativekey=ZNZCHJEMZ2DM

11) Hawaii Primary: August 9, 2014 (Saturday)

07) Connecticut Primary: August 12, 2014

23) Minnesota Primary: August 12, 2014

49) Wisconsin Primary: August 12, 2014

50) Wyoming Primary: August 12, 2014

02) Alaska Primary: August 19, 2014 Joe Miller for U.S. Senate

Website: http://joeforliberty.com/

Donate: https://www.widgetmakr.com/render/85eaa4f3-66f6-4c58-9361-b7364996fa16

Or by mail to:

Citizens for Joe Miller
250 Cushman Street, Suite 2A
Fairbanks, Alaska 99701”

03) Arizona Primary: August 26, 2014 Adam Kwasman Congressional District 1

09) Florida State Primary: August 26, 2014

45) Vermont Primary: August 26, 2014

From: http://lastresistance.com/6721/terribly-incompetent-president-says-tortured-folks/

“Terribly Incompetent President Says ‘We Tortured Some Folks’

by Onan Coca
August 2, 2014

Our President is horrible.

He’s done an awful job leading our nation and has been successful at making the world a much dangerous place in just six short years.

Well, yesterday the President did his best to make everything, everywhere EVEN WORSE.

On Friday during a live televised news conference from the White House President Obama told the world that ‘We tortured some folks.’

What an incredibly incompetent man.”


'We Tortured Some Folks,' Obama Says

ABC News · 1 day ago

President Obama today admitted the CIA tortured al Qaeda detainees after the 9/11 attacks, saying ‘we did some things that were contrary to our values.’ ‘We …”

Now, let us consider the facts. First, the Democrats have been claiming that we tortured people since shortly after 9/11. And that included then Senator Barack Hussein Obama. Second, this inquisition, I mean, inquiry was done by the Democrat controlled Senate! Not exactly a bipartisan organization. Third, who determines what is torture and what is not torture? I believe ripping the limbs off of unborn babies is both torture and MURDER. Democrats think it is the rightof a mother. Democrats think waterboarding is a form of torture. Others believe waterboarding is a necessary interrogation technique, that no real harm occurs, and that it provides meaningful information that saves lives. You dontniceterrorists bent on murdering people for information! Finally, the President has a long history of LYING! Make up your own mind!

Illinois Senator Dick Durbinup for reelection this yearcompares U.S. soldiers to those of Nazi Germany!


Impeachment IS the answer!

Galatians 6: 7-9 (NIV)

Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”

NEVER GIVE UP! NEVER SURRENDER! In the end, VICTORY belongs to GOD and HIS people! HIS people are, by definition, CHRISTIANS! Followers of JESUS, the CHRIST!

Impeach Barack Hussein Obama!

Impeach Barack Hussein Obama!

Impeach Barack Hussein Obama!

Senator Cruz on “repealing” the Hobby Lobby decision


Nancy Pelosi shows her stripes!


Bottom of the screen after the clapping!

