Monday, June 2, 2014

Eric Cantor Virginia’s 7th Congressional District Representative and the House Majority Leader Is for Amnesty for Illegal Aliens Unless He Is Against It?

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NEWS FLASH: now has the exclusive right to sale my first e-book in its Kindle Store.

The title of the e-book is The Black Sword: The Secret U.S. Army in Vietnam

A paperback and hardcover version of the book was available since 2007. I believe it was since 2007. I do not know for sure. It was copyrighted in 2007. That edition had one comment and that comment was very negative receiving a one star rating.

The direct link to the e-book:

Here is that comment in its entirety and without change from the site:

A poorly self aggrandizing working of ficition. November 8, 2012
By Robert M. Stanford
Format: Hardcover

I should prefix this by saying that I know the author of this book. To start regardless of how this book this being marketed by the author, it is a piece of fiction, the author never served in the military in capacity. Where to start with this review, the book is very poorly written and the author clearly did not do much in the way of historical research on military tactics in general or the Vietnam war in particular. The book reads much like a bad war movie mixed with some kind of cheesy martial arts film, the battle scenes are ridiculously unrealistic. Including laughably bad claims like how the author was trained in hand to hand combat techniques where he would be able to kill some one with one punch in less than one second, he selected for the group because he was genius with Forest Gump like running ability, doing three hours of weight training for 6 straight days a week for months, claims of gun with finger printer readers that only let the owner fire them, act. Save yourself some money and avoid this book”

Robert does indeed know me. However, it goes a little deeper. Robert is my nephewthe first born of my younger sister. She is four years younger than I am. I was working for a living teaching school when she graduated from Illinois State University. She didnt meet her future husband until she was working as a teacher. Therefore, Robert wasnt even born during the time period of most of the book. Robert also never served in the military. Neither did his father or mother.

I do state that I have a tested I.Q. of 130 or above. Both of my children have tested I.Q.s of 130 or above. Does that prove that I do? Of course not. Therefore, before I wrote the book, I went to the public school district that I attended from first grade through high school. I asked for and received a copy of my school records including the results of an I.Q. test. I have written proof that I have a tested I.Q. of 130 or above. If I didnt, I would not have put it in the book. However, I never said, anywhere in the book, that I am a genius.

As far as his statement that the book is very poorly written.” That is, at best, an opinion. Read again what he wrote. How well written are his comments? I was a high school American government/economics teacher for ten years. Having been a teacher, I am use to negative comments from students. Most of those comments were from people who did not do well in my class. I expected the students to earn their grade through work and meeting my standards. If they did not, they suffered the consequences. Most did not like the consequences.

If you read the dedication page, I paid an English teacher to edit the work. We did each of the six chapters the same way. At the time, I lived in Tucson and she lived in Arkansas where she taught high school English. I mailed a chapter to her, she ripped it to shreds. I corrected and rewrote the chapter based upon her suggestions and sent the rewritten chapter back to her. She found more items to criticize and gave more suggested corrections. I corrected a second time and sent them back once again. She approved the chapter and mailed it back. When Robert states that the book is very poorly written,” he criticizes her. I do not believe those criticisms are justified.

Concerning the publication of the book itself, I did not want to go through a regular publishing house because I did not want the book to be edited by the publisher. Since I did not know how to publish a book, I hired a publishing company to do the actual printing of the book and the creation of the front and back book covers. When the company rejected my print copy because the margins were wrong several times including after I went to a Peoria printer to have the margins done correctly by a professional, I wrote the CEO of the company saying I was cancelling the contract because the company was not fulfilling its obligation to print the book. Without my knowledge, the book was printed and offered to the public including on Amazon in paperback and hardcover editions. My guess is that a company lawyer told the CEO that he had better fulfill the contract. I did not know the book was in distribution until I received a royalty check from the company. The copyright date on this published version of the book is 2007.

In the mean time, after borrowing money from my mother, I went to the Peoria printer and paid that company to print my book under my Arizona established publishing company. I had established the company in Arizona before moving back to Illinois in 2004. I never planned to live in Illinoisthe land of Barack Hussein Obamapermanently. Until this book was published, I had not actually published anything through the company. My book through my publishing company was published in 2008.

Here is a strange occurrence. Roberts mothermy younger sisterpurchased four books in 2008. There are four people in her familymother, father, brother, sister. I would have thought that Robert would have first read the book in 2008. He certainly did not have to purchase it from Amazon.

It was family squabble time. In 2004, I moved back to Illinois to care for my mother after my father had died. My two sisters and I had a verbal agreement that I would stay in Illinois until mom dies, caring for her in her home. She would not be put into a nursing home. After a series of minor strokes over a period of about a year, my sisters broke the agreement and put her in a home. Conflict resulted over my staying or leaving the house and the State. Discussion was done by e-mail. I stated in one e-mail that I was going to write more Black Sword booksfive in totaland the next one would include the current dispute.

In early January of 2012, I received an eviction notice. The process continued through the year until a court date was set for November 30, 2012. (I believe that is the correct date. I did not bother to check to make sure.) On October 15, 2012, my oldest sister died after a brief illness. On November 8, 2012, Robert posted his criticism of the book. Coincidence? On November 30, 2012, I was court ordered to leave the house by midnight on December 31, 2012. On December 31, 2012, I moved out of the house.

If Robert meant to hurt sales of the book, I hope he did. I want the other company to stop selling my book. And the company did send me notice that I am being dropped. Good! I had told them not to publish.

If you read this blog regularly, you may know that I actually write five blogs, six days a week. Not on Sunday.


http://christiangunslinger1.blogspot.compolitically conservative

http://christiangunslinger3.blogspot.compolitically conservative

http://christiangunslinger5.blogspot.compro-traditional family

http://christiangunslinger7.blogspot.compolitically conservative concentrating on the primaries and the upcoming general election

By the very nature of my blogs, I expect the radical Left, pro-abortion/unborn baby MURDERERS, and pro-homosexual behavior advocates to attack my e-book as well as anything else I wrote and publish. Robert may be the first but I do not expect him to be the last.

The e-book costs only $3.00. The only cheaper price is $2.99 and I do not price my books that way. Everyone should know that $2.99 is actually $3.00. What a sad marketing ploy! Spend the $3.00 to determine whether or not Robert is correct. If a member of Amazon prime, the book is a free selection. You just might be pleasantly surprised. I have received very positive comments from readers including people who have actually been in the military unlike Robert and a student at the United States Naval Academy located in Annapolis, Maryland who is the grandson of a friend.

And finally, I would like nothing better than being reconciled with my sister and the rest of my earthly family. The theme of the second book is family. Planned publication date 2015. The theme of the third book is politics with the planned publication date being 2017. The fourth about education in 2019. And the last and final book in the series, on the church of JESUS, the CHRIST in 2021.

The direct link to my e-book:

Primaries in June:

01) Alabama Primary: June 3, 2014 ~ Run-off: July 15, 2014

05) California Primary: June 3, 2014

15) Iowa Primary: June 3, 2014

24) Mississippi Primary: June 3, 2014 ~ Runoff: June 24, 2014

26) Montana Primary: June 3, 2014

30) New Jersey Primary: June 3, 2014

31) New Mexico Primary: June 3, 2014

41) South Dakota Primary: June 3, 2014

05) Chris McDaniel | Mississippi | Primary June 3



06) Joni Ernst | Iowa | Primary June 3




“Eric Cantor: Lies and Hypocrisy on Amnesty
By CHQ Staff | 5/28/14

Voters in Virginia’s 7th Congressional District are being treated to a truly astonishing display of lies and hypocrisy by their incumbent Republican Congressman, Eric Cantor.

Cantor, Virginia’s 7th District Representative and the House Majority Leader, has tried to be on both sides of the amnesty for illegal aliens issue (A RINO establishment Republican who says one thing at home and another on Capitol Hill!my addition).

Earlier this year Cantor backed California Republican Congressman Jeff Denham’s bill to allow illegal aliens to join the US military to gain citizenship (For Amnesty in Washington D.C.!my addition).

Indeed, just a month ago, Cantor made a ‘pledge’ to Denham to help him push the measure through, according to Republican Buck McKeon, the powerful chairman of the House Armed Services Committee (Promised to bring about amnesty!my addition).

As Breitbart’s Michael Patrick Leahy noted, since the 2012 elections, Cantor has voiced support for enacting a broad immigration reform bill, and made a GOP version of the ‘DREAM Act,’ which would grant amnesty to individuals brought to the country illegally as children, a top part of his ‘making life work’ agenda (More amnesty from establishment Republicans!my addition).

But the issue, as Leahy observed, is complicated by the fact that pro-amnesty activists have decided that right now, while Cantor is facing political danger from his right, is the moment to launch a coordinated attack against him for opposing amnesty. The move has drawn suspicion from prominent writers like Mickey Kaus that the whole episode is a clever bit of political theater to give Cantor political cover just as he needs it (Agreed!my addition).

And Cantor does need political cover right now because the voters in VA-7 are on to his lies and hypocrisy and speaking in the most effective way possible; at the ballot box (Let us work for it happening on June 10 in the primary election!my addition).

In a thorough rejection of Cantor’s establishment Republican political machine, conservative Fred Gruber defeated Cantor’s right-hand man Linwood Cobb and won election as Virginia’s 7th District Republican Chairman (A good sign! Keep it going in the primary!my addition).

After that, as Hot Air’s Allahpundit put it, Cantor made a sudden switch and started saying maybe Denham’s amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act wasn’t the place for Denham’s bill after all (And what about AFTER the primary is over!my addition).

Cantor’s opponent David Brat has made immigration a top issue in the campaign, ripping Cantor for his support of a proposal to give amnesty to illegal aliens if they enlist in the military (Good! Make him accountable!my addition).

Now, Cantor’s campaign has had him, at least temporarily, switch sides and come out in opposition to the legislation he ‘pledged’ to help Congressman Denham pass just a month ago (For Amnesty in Washington D.C.! Against amnesty at home!my addition).

You can see the flyer here and compare its claims to what we’ve told you about Cantor’s record on amnesty for illegal aliens and decide for yourself, but we’re with RedState’s Daniel Horowitz when he asked: is there any limit to the degree of lying that may be deemed off limits during the campaign?

If amnesty passes it will only be because so many incumbents, like Eric Cantor, are winning reelection. It’s time to reject the lies and hypocrisy coming from Eric Cantor and other establishment Republican ‘leaders (It is past time! We need true, committed conservatives elected!my addition).’

Vote Dave Brat for Congress in Virginias District 7 Republican primary election, Tuesday, June 10, 2014. (My use of redmy addition).”

Comment: “June 10th cannot be a ‘day off’

Submitted by Karen Wainio on Wed, 05/28/2014 - 13:37.

Conservatives and grassroots Republicans in Virginia’s 7th district understand they’ve been deceived and betrayed by Eric Cantor. We are ‘on’ to his game. Like other Establishment legislators, they think they can secure Conservatives’ votes by standing solidly for a couple of important issues, like Life and the Second Amendment, and then just rob us blind. This isn’t going to work any more. We now know that the big taxpayer bailouts that Eric Cantor voted for lined the pockets of cronies in otherwise failed businesses and did nothing for working Americans. We now know that his many votes to increase spending and the debt limit only condemned our children to crushing debt and shrinking opportunities. We now know that his insider dealing ‘Stock Act’ feathered the nests of his K Street cronies while stacking the deck against the regular citizen. We now know that the amnesty of twenty million illegal aliens undermines the rule of law, is fundamentally unfair and will amount to a huge wealth transfer from the middle-class to multi-national cheap-labor corporate interests. We will no longer be fooled by their waving a couple of issues we really care about in our faces like baubles for children, while our future and the future of our children is squandered, plundered and ruined (Ouch!my addition).

No to Eric Cantor. June 10th cannot be a day off. It cannot be business as usual. Every patriot in the 7th district must vote (And VOTE for Dave Brat; not Eric Cantor!my addition).

It’s time to stand up and be counted (Yes it is!my addition). Dave Brat is giving us a real choice. Let’s take it (Lets!my addition).”