Friday, September 13, 2013

Universities and Their Propagandizing Professors

I’ve had this for a couple of days and thought I’d better post it before I forget about it. I never had a situation like this while in college but I have heard of them. From my understanding, it has gotten worse and more extreme in recent years! The Left dominates in many universities.


“I’ll Take Classroom Bias For A Thousand
by Kenny "Crash" Liszewski
September 5, 2013

Imagine a world in which if you’re a liberal professor you can get away with saying anything and if you’re a conservative professor you have to censor everything you sayoh wait, that is reality. In between stories about Syria and the economy, yesterday a video emerged of a Michigan State University professor slamming Republicans on the first day of class (One story I read said it was addition). After seeing and hearing things like this, it really makes me question why students and parents would waste their hard earned money on courses like the one this man teaches (It may be required for addition).

William Penn who teaches English (it may have been a little more plausible if he taught political science or something related to politics) is just one of many typical liberal professors who can get away with slandering millions of people at a time, stepping on the Bible in class, or bashing conservative students for their views. I cannot even imagine a conservative professor doing this; it would be the headline on every main steam media’s prime time show. This is a clear and unjustifiable double standard in American colleges and universities in particular. If I were a parent and watched this video and my son or daughter went to that school or was in that specific class I would want a reimbursement for that courses credit and my son or daughter removed from the course.

Penn was quotes as saying things like:

‘If you go to the Republican convention in Florida, you see all those old people with all the dead skin cells washing off them (Did he go to the Republican convention? So what? Is this an age bias comment?my addition)uh, they’re cheap. They don’t want to pay taxes because they’ve already raped this country (What? They are the workers in this country!my addition) and gotten everything out of it they possibly could.”

He was also quoted as saying Republicans are not the majority in America anymore because ‘they’re a bunch of dead white people, or dying white people (This guy is white too! And he will be old if he lives that long!my addition).’ I would like to think that I am nowhere close to dying yet (knock on wood) and am certainly not dead.

Lastly, Penn said he didn’t mean to offend them if they or their parents are Republicans but ‘outside of class’ is a ‘different matter.’ This sounds like a 7th grade bully who waits outside the school to beat someone else because the teachers cannot stop him. This man is being paid to TEACH the next generation of leaders and workers, and is brainwashing them with slander like what I mentioned above (My use of redmy addition).

Any Republican should be offended by what Professor Penn said, and agree with me in calling for at least a suspension from teaching. I understand having a point of view and opinion on matters, but expressing extreme views and stereotyping on the first day of class is a little extreme. If anything, this situation highlights the blatant double standard when it comes to what liberal and conservative professors and people in general can say (True!my addition).

This man accused Republicans of racism and raping America. This intolerance is unbelievable and he was even accused of harassing a student who was ‘frowning’ in class when he was giving his soapbox rant. As a fellow student and a Republican, I should not have to worry about disagreeing with my professor or getting harassed or even getting a lower grade (this actually happened to me once).

In a news cycle filled with other stories, I was afraid this one would get lost in the shuffle, and it would be unfair for me to not let other Republicans and people know what is going on in our colleges and universities across the country.”

Watch the video:

Parents do not know what is going on in the classrooms of their children! It is not possible unless you or someone actually monitors the class each day. For younger students particularly, they dont know when they are being propagandized! And propaganda is going on in almost, if not, every school