Monday, September 30, 2013
Common Core Attack on Schools, Students, and America
“Update: American Truckers Boycotting the Corrupt Federal Government on October 11 for Three Days! Will You Join the Boycott?” Posted on on 9/24/13. Originally post is on on 9/20/13
Watch this video on abortion and Obamacare:
Everyone should know that Barack Hussein Obama is the most PRO-MURDER President in history even out doing Bill Clinton. Therefore it is understandable that Obamacare is permeated with MURDER of the unborn regardless of their denials! Thus, numerous lawsuits.
“Teaching The Test: The Coming Common Core Disaster
by Bob Livingston
September 30, 2013
The new national education standards adopted by 45 States and the District of Columbia and now slipping into America’s schools are a collectivist’s dream (I.e. socialism!—my addition).
Called Common Core, it is an attempt to create a Federally controlled education system designed to turn children into mind-numbed drones devoid of imagination and inculcated with a progressive culture of redistributionist economics, social justice, the mainstreaming of perverted lifestyles, secular humanism and radical environmentalism. It is a one-size-fits-all scheme that will dumb down students to the lowest common denominator (And it has been going on in some schools even before Common Core. Common Core is the centralization of what has been already occurring in some districts to some extent!—my addition).
Proponents of the program—people like radical Education Secretary Arne Duncan [Who, when appointed Secretary of Education, was the head of the disastrous Chicago Public Schools!—my addition] (champion of ridiculous zero-tolerance policies that lead to expulsions over breakfast tarts bitten into and papers torn into the shape of guns)—claim the goal is to prepare all students for entrance into community college. Never mind the fallacious logic that all children need a college education or even that a college education has much value in today’s part-time Obamacare economy, the truth is Common Core’s curriculum will create a group of students ignorant but well-prepared and well-versed in taking tests, as teachers will be evaluated on their students test scores rather than whether the children are learning anything useful (Never a good idea to evaluate teachers on the basis of test scores! NEVER!—my addition).
Cash-strapped States grasped onto Common Core as a lifeline (Far too many States have become dependent upon the federal government!—my addition). President Barack Obama offered them hundreds of millions of dollars in ‘stimulus’ funds and relief from the insidious No Child Left Behind standards that were to hit in full force in 2014 (The federal government has NO constitutional authority to be involved in education and should not be!—my addition). They did so sight unseen, based on the recommendation of two progressive lobbying groups, the National Governor’s Association (NGA) and Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO)—the groups that hold copyrights over the standards (Can anyone say “Conflict of interest!”—my addition). The standards were written by the leftist ACHIEVE, Inc., without input from State legislators, school boards, teachers or parents.
In addition to Federal ‘stimulus’ dollars, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (Another Leftist organization which promotes the MURDER of unborn babies!—my addition) has dumped nearly $200 million into Common Core through the NGA, CCSSO, ACHIEVE, teachers’ unions, nonprofits and State and local school boards that are pushing Common Core. For more on the crony capitalist nature of Common Core, go here and here.
So what has Gates to gain from doing such a thing? In order to comply, schools will be purchasing a computer for every student and the software needed to run the curriculum, education program and testing system (Great way to keep the money flowing to his financial empire!—my addition). In fact, Gates as much as admitted this in 2009 at the National Conference of State Legislators:
‘Fortunately, the State-led Common Core State Standards Initiative is developing clear, rigorous common standards that match the best in the world. Last month, 46 Governors and chief State school officers made a public commitment to embrace these common standards.
This is encouraging, but identifying common standards is not enough. We’ll know we’ve succeeded when the curriculum and the tests are aligned to these standards.
Secretary Arne Duncan recently announced that $350 million of the stimulus package will be used to create just these kinds of tests: next-generation assessments aligned to the common core. When the tests are aligned to the common standards, the curriculum will line up as well. And that will unleash powerful market forces in the service of better teaching.
For the first time, there will be a large uniform base of customers eager to buy products that can help every child learn and every teacher get better (Buy from whom? From me!—my addition).’
In other words, Gates sees millions of new customers eager to buy products created by Microsoft that align with copyrighted standards established by a nonprofit he controls.
The Federal and grant money that has so far been poured into Common Core implementation will cover only about half the costs. The rest must be accumulated through local means. In addition to computers for every student, Common Core requires school systems to install a group of ‘master teachers’ who will be charged with coaching, monitoring and assessing classroom teachers and ensuring their ability to teach the tests (My use of red—my addition).
So what about the education students will be receiving from Common Core? According to teacher and author Dean Kalahar, it is geared toward ensuring ‘schoolchildren believe that America has been a nation of bigots, racists, greedy collusive poverty creating capitalists, war mongering imperialists, anti-immigrant, segregating, discriminating, and disenfranchising racists and farmers; and that kids should be an anti-war peace loving through diplomacy, diversity and immigration seeking, tolerant through racial identity politicking citizens of big government spending through redistribution of wealth and regulation providing Medicare, minimum wage, civil rights and affirmative action powered by the auspices of globalization and the United Nations (The standard Leftist propaganda mill!—my addition).’
He bases that on an analysis of documents issued by the Florida Department of Education.
Stanford University professor James Milgram, the only mathematician on the validation panel, concluded that the Common Core math scheme would place American students two years behind their peers in other high-achieving countries. In protest, Milgram refused to sign off on the standards. He’s not alone.
According to New York University Professor Jonathan Goodman, Common Core math standards imposed ‘significantly lower expectations with respect to algebra and geometry than the published standards of other countries (Who needs algebra and geometry?—my addition).’ The American Principles Project and Pioneer Institute notes that under Common Core, the teaching of algebra I begins in the ninth grade rather than the current eighth, as is common. Division is postponed to sixth grade. Prime factorization, common denominators, fractional conversion and decimals are de-emphasized (We have students now who can’t determine how much money to give back to a customer without a computer screen giving the information!—my addition).
Or, as Grayslake, Illinois, curriculum director and Common Core proponent Amanda August told one group in explaining Common Core: ‘Even if they said 3 X 4 was 11, if they were able to explain their reasoning, and explain how they came up with their answer, really in words and in oral explanation … we’re really more focused on the explanation and the how and the why (I hope they are not educating any future engineers!—my addition).’
Additionally, Euclidian geometry will be replaced with a dubious geometry standard; and rote memorization will be greatly reduced. Great literature and works of fiction will be replaced with technical materials (And current “literature!”—my addition). These include technical manuals that enhance the computer-centric method that Common Core stresses.
Common Core also creates informational databases that make National Security Agency snoops envious. The State Longitudinal Database Systems called for in the program gather tons of information—including personally identifiable information that includes parents’ names, addresses, Social Security numbers, birth dates, place of birth, mother’s maiden name (Banks are going to have to stop using that for I.D. purposes! Everyone will have access to it! Okay, only government types!—my addition), etc.—that can be sold or distributed to third parties. Students will essentially become lab rats, as the data will also examine and catalog student frustration, motivation/flow, confidence, boredom and fatigue during the course of their studies (Necessary information in a controlled society! It is all for the good of the students, don’t you know!—my addition).
It will also collect sensitive information from children including:
¨ Political affiliations or beliefs of the student or parent (How else to keep track of trouble-making Republicans?—my addition).
¨ Mental and psychological problems of the student or the student’s family.
¨ Sex behavior or attitudes.
¨ Illegal, anti-social, self-incriminating and demeaning behavior.
¨ Critical appraisals of other individuals with whom respondents have close family relationships.
¨ Legally recognized privileged or analogous relationships, such as those of lawyers, physicians and ministers.
¨ Religious practices, affiliations or beliefs of the student or the student’s parent.
¨ Income (other than that required by law to determine eligibility for participation in a program or for receiving financial assistance under such program).
School boards across the country are doing all they can to avoid answering the tough questions now coming from parents just waking up to what’s befallen their children (Including having them arrested!—my addition). But they’d better get ready to answer them; because when students begin failing the tests, parents are going to want to know why—just like in New York, where the failure rate of students was 69 percent. For blacks and Hispanics the failure rate was 84 percent (Not teaching to the test well enough? And the curriculum is suppose to be easier?—my addition).
When students fail tests and teachers are held accountable, teachers and school administrators look bad. The tests are then dumbed down so more students can pass and the teachers and administrators can say their techniques are working (Or teachers and administrators cheat as in Atlanta!—my addition). Meanwhile, more and more automatons are walking out the school doors into failure and dependency (What? We do not have enough dependency? Welcome to Chicago nation-wide!—my addition).”
1) Obamacare is immoral!
2) Obamacare is illegal!
3) Obamacare is unconstitutional!
4) the American people do NOT want Obamacare implemented!
5) If you vote for Obamacare funding, YOU OWN Obamacare!
6) Obamacare is a vote for, vote against issue in 2014!
7) He/she represents US not the Party and not the President!
Watch this video on Great Britain hospitals!
1,912,729 Signatures to defund
Because I (the speaker in this video) have no morality:
Listen closely to this video:
Senator Chris Murphy (D-Connecticut) next election 2018! Store this until then! They think people have short memories. And some do. Videos help!
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Parents, Their Children’s Education, the States, and Educational Textbooks
“Update: American Truckers Boycotting the Corrupt Federal Government on October 11 for Three Days! Will You Join the Boycott?” Posted on on 9/24/13. Originally post is on on 9/20/13
Watch this video on abortion and Obamacare:
Everyone should know that Barack Hussein Obama is the most PRO-MURDER President in history even out doing Bill Clinton. Therefore it is understandable that Obamacare is permeated with MURDER of the unborn regardless of their denials! Thus, numerous lawsuits.
Every K-12 public school in Tennessee is slated to get new social studies textbooks next year, but a group of parents say the books school districts are about to buy up are anti-American and inappropriate.
Now, they are taking their concerns to state commissioners, seeking to raise awareness about the books’ content and their perceived bias.
‘In dozens of instances, these books are filled with liberal agenda and propaganda,’ said parent Becky Keurig.
Another mom says students taking Advanced Placement courses may read a book that is too mature for a high school student.
‘It cites a 40-year-old study on masturbation in which students are told 20 percent of women actively fantasize about being raped. I have yet to meet these women,’ said parent Julie West.
The state textbook commissioner responded.
‘I think the best question is, ‘Is that excusable in an AP-level class?’ Personally, I have a real problem with that content, when were talking about a K-12 environment,’ said Tennessee Textbook Commissioner Dr. Dan Lawson.”
Next month, the commission will put out a list of books it recommends to school districts, which will then be used for the next six years.
As for the parents’ concerns, commissioners promised they will be heard.”
Parents being vigilant, doing their homework, and speaking up! Doing what they need to do and what parents need to do in every community. Do not expect others to do it. Do not expect the teachers to do it. Do not expect the administrators to do it. Do not expect school boards to do it!
A lot of textbook companies cater to California since it is the largest textbook market. What California wants goes to the nation. As we all should know, California has left planet earth for some perceived nirvana in the sky!
1) Obamacare is immoral!
2) Obamacare is illegal!
3) Obamacare is unconstitutional!
4) the American people do NOT want Obamacare implemented!
5) If you vote for Obamacare funding, YOU OWN Obamacare!
6) Obamacare is a vote for, vote against issue in 2014!
7) He/she represents US not the Party and not the President!
Watch this video on Great Britain hospitals!
1,813,128 Signatures to defund
Because I (the speaker in this video) have no morality:
Listen closely to this video:
Senator Chris Murphy (D-Connecticut) next election 2018! Store this until then! They think people have short memories. And some do. Videos help!
Friday, September 27, 2013
Defund Obamacare—Republican Vote for Cloture Allows Democrats to Fund Obamcare
Cloture vote to fund Obamacare
U.S. Senate Roll Call Votes 113th Congress - 1st Session
as compiled through Senate LIS by the Senate Bill Clerk under the direction of the Secretary of the Senate
Vote Summary
Question: On the Cloture Motion (Motion to Invoke Cloture on H.J. Res. 59 )
Vote Number: 206
Vote Date: September 27, 2013, 12:29 PM
Required For Majority: 3/5
Vote Result: Cloture Motion Agreed to
Vote Counts:
Yes vote: 79
No vote: 19
Not voting: 2
Let us be close on this. At this point, depending upon what the House does next, this vote for cloture:
They who voted against cloture (19) are those who want to defund Obamacare! NOTE: All Senators who voted to DEFUND Obamacare are Republicans
Crapo (R-Idaho)
Cruz (R-Texas)
Enzi (R-Wyoming)
Fischer (R-Nebraska)
Grassley (R-Iowa)
Heller (R-Nevada)
Inhofe (R-Oklahoma)
Lee (R-Utah)
Moran (R-Kansas)
Paul (R-Kentucky)
Portman (R-Ohio)
Risch (R-Idaho)
Roberts (R-Kansas)
Rubio (R-Florida)
Scott (R-South Carolina)
Sessions (R-Alabama)
Shelby (R-Alabama)
Toomey (R-Pennsylvania)
Vitter (R- Louisiana)
NOTE: The following Republicans voted to FUND Obamacare by voting for cloture since cloture was the only place Republicans could stop Obamacare funding. After this vote, the Democrats Amended The House bill to fund Obamacare which Majority Leader Harry Reid said he would. The vote was then 54-44-2 to fund Obamacare through a simple majority. A simple majority because Republicans voted for cloture! Not one Democrat voted to defund Obamacare because even in red States the Senators are more afraid of the Democratic Party than they are the voters of the State. Those Republicans who voted for cloture have also shown they do not care about the will of the voters.
ALL Democrats voted for cloture!
The Republicans who voted for cloture:
01) Alexander (R-Tennessee)—up for reelection in 2014
02) Ayotte (R-New Hampshire)—up for reelection in 2016
03) Barrasso (R-Wyoming)—up for reelection in 2018
04) Blunt (R-Missouri)—up for reelection in 2016
05) Boozman (R-Arkansas)—up for reelection in 2016
06) Burr (R-North Carolina)—up for reelection in 2016
07) Chambliss (R-Georgia)—up for reelection in 2014 [not seeking reelection]
08) Chiesa (R-New Jersey)—appointed election is October 16. ELECT the REPUBLICAN!
09) Coats (R-Indiana)—up for reelection in 2016
10) Coburn (R-Oklahoma)—up for reelection in 2016
11) Cochran (R-Mississippi)—up for reelection in 2014
12) Collins (R-Maine)—up for reelection in 2014
13) Corker (R-Tennessee)—up for reelection in 2018
14) Cornyn (R-Texas)—up for reelection in 2014
15) Graham (R-South Carolina)—up for reelection in 2014
16) Hoeven (R-North Dakota)—up for reelection in 2016
17) Isakson (R-Georgia)—up for reelection in 2016
18) Johanns (R-Nebraska)—up for reelection in 2014
19) Johnson (R-Wisconsin)—up for reelection in 2016
20) Kirk (R-Illinois)—up for reelection in 2016
21) McCain (R-Arizona)—up for reelection in 2016
22) McConnell (R-Kentucky)—up for reelection in 2014
23) Murkowski (R-Alaska)—up for reelection in 2016
24) Thune (R-South Dakota)—up for reelection in 2016
25) Wicker (R-Mississippi)—up for reelection in 2016
Not voting:
Flake (R-Arizona)—up for reelection in 2018
Hatch (R-Utah)—up for reelection in 2018
Thursday, September 26, 2013
John McCain Republican Senator from Arizona is a Democrat-Lite RINO Who Attacked Senator Ted Cruz—Recall John McCain!
“Update: American Truckers Boycotting the Corrupt Federal Government on October 11 for Three Days! Will You Join the Boycott?” Posted on on 9/24/13. Originally post is on on 9/20/13
Watch this video on abortion and Obamacare:
Everyone should know that Barack Hussein Obama is the most PRO-MURDER President in history even out doing Bill Clinton. Therefore it is understandable that Obamacare is permeated with MURDER of the unborn regardless of their denials! Thus, numerous lawsuits.
I’m getting off of education for the next two posts. Hopefully, I’ll be back to education, Saturday or Monday!
“Recall John McCain
by Gary DeMar
John McCain has got to go. Colorado recalled two state senators because of their opposition to the Second Amendment. It wasn’t too long ago that Gray Davis, the former governor of California, was recalled. This is evidence that a state-wide recall can happen if the voters are ticked off enough (And Arizona has recalled a Governor although the election was not held because, once we got enough signatures, the General Assembly impeached and convicted him! It can be done!—my addition).
Some recall elections fail. There was an attempt to recall Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin. Conservatives turned out and Walker beat Tom Barrett 53.1% to 46.3%. That’s another good sign that when conservatives rally around a candidate who stands for and on conservative principles can win.
Those of us in other states will help fund any recall effort. This website and others associated with it will get behind the recall (This is important to know. Contact those who are recalling him! Checking to see how the recall is going, I found some valuable information. I plan to post it tomorrow on this site!—my addition).
Please, do America a favor and recall McCain.
Ted Cruz and a few other elected GOP senators are trying to save America from the brink of financial ruin by stopping ObamaCare from going into effect. After a valiant filibuster effort, John McCain took it upon himself to attack the courageous senator from Texas (John McCain should have never been reelected in 2010. And, in part, that is Sarah Palin’s fault because she supported him against a Tea Party candidate!—my addition).
It was hideous.
McCain’s argument is that the voters have spoken on ObamaCare by reelecting the president (What nonsense! Then give him everything he wants! It is the same logic!—my addition). It’s a leap in logic to claim that a vote for Obama was a vote for ObamaCare. If that’s so, then why did many Republican Congressmen get reelected because of their opposition to ObamaCare? Don’t their votes count?
It’s obvious that if the president’s reelection means that whatever he proposes must be supported, then there’s no need for an opposition party. This means John McCain isn’t needed in the Senate; therefore, it’s time for him to go back home (Amen to that!—my addition).
If all he’s going to do is rubber stamp what the Democrats pass into law, then he’s not needed. We have the Democrats for that. It’s no wonder that McCain’s attack on Cruz and support of the Democrats is said to be ‘the Democratic response.’
There’s no doubt that many people voted for Obama because of ObamaCare. But did they know what it was and its long-term consequences? McCain said in his response to Cruz, ‘elections have consequences (So, roll over and play dead? This from a military man? Has he lost his mind? Has he been bought off?—my addition).’ I agree, and so do legislative acts like a national overall of healthcare (Agreed!—my addition).
We know that the majority of those who voted for the 2700-page legislation never read it. Nancy Pelosi told us so: ‘We have to pass the bill so you can find out what’s in it, away for the fog of the controversy.’
Sure people voted for a president who claimed that some people would get free healthcare, and the cost of healthcare would go down for everybody else (And you get to keep your doctor! Not! Mine retired a month after passage! He said he wasn’t going to deal with the massive bureaucracy that would control his decision-making!—my addition). Low-information voters and those already not paying a dime in federal taxes would jump at the chance at that kind of legislation.
But it’s not turning out that way. Reports are coming in from around the country that ObamaCare is leading to layoffs and a rise in healthcare costs, and that’s before it’s been implemented.
We don’t know the long-term consequences of ObamaCare (I do! Single payer government controlled healthcare! That has been the goal of the Democrats all along!—my addition). What government program has ever come in on budget (Or stayed within budget over time! It expands! It expands! It expands!—my addition)?
So please, Arizona, recall John McCain before it’s too late. I’m ready to contribute.”
The House of Representatives has voted to defund Obamacare. Pray for a positive vote to defund in the United States Senate! We, for the moment, concentrate on the Senate! If the President wants to shut down the government to save this terrible law, so be it!
Contact your Senators by phone at the district offices and the Washington D.C. office, by e-mail, by all means at your disposal! Remind them of the obvious:
1) Obamacare is immoral!
2) Obamacare is illegal!
3) Obamacare is unconstitutional!
4) the American people do NOT want Obamacare implemented!
5) If you vote for Obamacare funding, YOU OWN Obamacare!
6) Obamacare is a vote for, vote against issue in 2014!
7) He/she represents US not the Party and not the President!
Watch this video on Great Britain hospitals!
1,813,128 Signatures to defund
Because I (the speaker in this video) have no morality:
Listen closely to this video:
Senator Chris Murphy (D-Connecticut) next election 2018! Store this until then! They think people have short memories. And some do. Videos help!
Warning: Cloture Vote Rescheduled—Sooner Not Later
Just heard on the news at 6AM on ABC radio that the Cloture Vote for Obamacare has been moved up. Obstinately, to give the House more time to deal with it before October 1. More likely, to prevent we the people from changing minds in the Senate! Burn up the phone lines at both State wide offices for Senators and also for Washington D.C. Not only that, use their e-mail system, facebook, twitter, and all other social media avenues they use. Show them we mean business!
A vote for CLOTURE is a vote to fund Obamacare!
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Government as Family! We Are Family! It Takes a Village to Raise a Child!
“Update: American Truckers Boycotting the Corrupt Federal Government on October 11 for Three Days! Will You Join the Boycott?” Posted on on 9/24/13. Originally post is on on 9/20/13
Watch this video on abortion and Obamacare:
Everyone should know that Barack Hussein Obama is the most PRO-MURDER President in history even out doing Bill Clinton. Therefore it is understandable that Obamacare is permeated with MURDER of the unborn regardless of their denials! Thus, numerous lawsuits.
“Starting Them Young … On Government Dependence?
Johnnie-Ann Campbell
September 16th, 2013
Remember the statement, ‘If a government is big enough to give you everything you want, it’s big enough to take away everything you have’? We live in an American society where our individual rights are at stake, and the people’s dependence on their own government is largely to blame (Along with our willingness to accept it! In fact, in the end in a representative democracy, it is we the people who have the ultimate responsibility. That is why, early on, we were warned that we must always be vigilant! We have shirked that responsibility to a great extent! It is NOT too late but we need to get involved and we need to get involved now!—my addition).
It’s boldly obvious that we live in a society where people are dependent on the government. Take a look around—look at the number of people on government assistance programs and those begging for more programs like universal healthcare or universal preschool (And as a result we take money from some and give to others—government sponsored theft—and still have an ever increasing debt. Then, we have those like Nancy Pelosi who claim the government has cut back to the bone! Seriously! We have so much waste and fraud in the federal government it would be laughable if not so tragic! Over half of the Departments in the federal government aren’t even constitutional!—my addition).
It’s as though Americans are enslaved by the idea that the government can and should supply all our needs. And the government only perpetuates this misconception when they refuse to reform the food stamp program or force Obamacare on us when the majority of Americans don’t even want it…
Seeping Into Our Education System
The last place these faulty ideas (especially those with hidden political agendas) ought to be found is in the classroom (Actually, it is often the first place they occur and they occur there for a reason! If you get them young, you often get them for life! The Obama phone people have been trained from an early age that government is your sugar-daddy!—my addition). However, an elementary school in Skokie, Illinois decided to teach fourth graders that the ‘government is like a nation’s family (I would venture a guess that it is being taught in more places than Skokie! Skokie is in Cook County, the same County as Chicago, and is north and west of Chicago sharing a boundary with Chicago.—my addition).’
The ‘What Is Government?’ worksheet describes government as ‘all of the agencies, departments, organizations, groups, individuals in a nation who make, carry out, enforce, and manage conflicts about rules and laws.’ So, we might agree that this isn’t such a terrible description for our children. But then the description becomes increasingly problematic …
It goes on to say, ‘Government is like a nation’s family (Absolutely wrong!—my addition). Families take care of children and make sure they are safe, healthy and educated, and free to enjoy life. Families encourage children to be independent hardworking and responsible. Families make and enforce rules and give appropriate punishments when rules are broken. Government does these things for its citizens, too.’
Frankly, I find this assignment alarming. Now, I understand that it could be construed as a reasonable way to explain a very complex system in a way that makes it understandable by a young audience (elementary aged kids)—and that is part of the problem with it (It is indoctrinating propaganda! The same type of propaganda used by Hitler and Stalin! And this is one very strong reason why no one who values freedom should EVER want the federal government to control education! Education, for the good of our nation, MUST remain local!—my addition). The fact that they’re likening the government to a family to this very vulnerable, malleable and trusting demographic is something we must closely scrutinize. At this age, these children are totally dependent on their families, their parents, or other authority figures. And this move only perpetuates the mentality that your government is who you rely on to make all your life decisions (The nanny State!—my addition), consequently stripping independence as the go-to mentality. It’s bad enough to have a large number of citizens expecting the government to take care of them as if they’re children and it’s their parent. But now our children—the very future of this country—are being issued an okay for this mindset (It been happening at the school level far longer than this! How many children receive one or more “free” meals each school day [And in some cases beyond the school days] courtesy of the federal government?—my addition).
Politicians Fueling the Fire
President Ronald Reagan, like the Founding Fathers, told us that the government’s purpose is to protect the people and their rights but ‘where the government has gone beyond its limits is in deciding to protect us from ourselves.’ The thought that the government is responsible for our welfare is ludicrous, to speak candidly (And harmful!—my addition).
Many politicians currently in office were elected because of the notion that the government exists to take care of us. During the last presidential election, a friend told me that she didn’t agree with President Obama on most things, but that she planned to vote for him because of ‘what he can do for my family (Steal from one to give to another! (Everything the government gives to someone MUST come from someone else! It must!—my addition).’ It wasn’t because of good policy, political experience, or even for sharing personal convictions.
But what might not have been as blatantly obvious was the reality that the government isn’t going to give you something without taking something in return. It’s a give-and-take relationship, through and through. Welcome to big government, folks.
In pursuit of the truth,
Johnnie-Ann Campbell”
In Morton, where I moved from, the public school system had half day kindergarten. It has had that since the inception of kindergarten into the school system. Yet, the school system, in the main, turns out highly educated students when compared to other districts. Morton also is a high income community. Why the push for a full day kindergarten? The unspoken reason was that the parents wanted a full day “baby sitter.” It was personally less expensive and much more convenient!
Meanwhile, Democrats, at the State level, were pushing for public schools to take control of the children at an earlier age. Something also proposed by Barack Hussein Obama as President. Who has just taken full control of government student loans for colleges and universities? The federal government! Welcome to government as the parent earlier and earlier. To indoctrinate and propagandize longer and longer!
This is the same government that allows the MURDER of children in the womb as a “right!” I surely do want the government to raise my children! NOT!
From the Declaration of Independence:
“And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.”
Do you so pledge?
Watch this video!!! Long, but worth watching to the end to see the outcome! Notice she keeps repeating the same lines. Lawyer advice! [This is an Arizona border crossing. Vail is near Tucson. “We own several homes.”]
Homeland Security? My guess: Daddy and/or mommy is a lawyer. They were obviously checking a book or website during the process.
Audio: Don’t blink
The House of Representatives has voted to defund Obamacare. Pray for a positive vote to defund in the United States Senate! We, for the moment, concentrate on the Senate! If the President wants to shut down the government to save this terrible law, so be it!
Contact your Senators by phone at the district offices and the Washington D.C. office, by e-mail, by all means at your disposal! Remind them of the obvious:
1) Obamacare is immoral!
2) Obamacare is illegal!
3) Obamacare is unconstitutional!
4) the American people do NOT want Obamacare implemented!
5) If you vote for Obamacare funding, YOU OWN Obamacare!
6) Obamacare is a vote for, vote against issue in 2014!
7) He/she represents US not the Party and not the President!
Watch this video on Great Britain hospitals!
1,706,999 Signatures to defund
Because I (the speaker in this video) have no morality:
Listen closely to this video:
Senator Chris Murphy (D-Connecticut) next election 2018! Store this until then! They think people have short memories. And some do. Videos help!
+Interest+in+Politics+Closeup0.jpg)
Monday, September 23, 2013
Common Core Education, the Federal Government, Jeb Bush, the Money in Education, and the Parents of the Students
“American Truckers Boycotting the Corrupt Federal Government on October 11 for Three Days! Will You Join the Boycott?” Posted on on 9/20/13.
Watch this video on abortion and Obamacare:
Everyone should know that Barack Hussein Obama is the most PRO-MURDER President in history even out doing Bill Clinton. Therefore it is understandable that Obamacare is permeated with MURDER of the unborn regardless of their denials! Thus, numerous lawsuits.
“Jeb Bush’s latest Common Core snit fit
By Michelle Malkin
September 20, 2013
This is priceless. Former Florida GOP Governor Jeb Bush, consummate politician and 2016 presidential aspirant (Does NOT have my support!—my addition), has now bitterly accused opponents of his federal education schemes of possessing ‘purely political’ motives. Projection, anyone?
Having previously suggested that critics of the so-called Common Core standards program are crazy, ignorant and lying, Bush piled on at a National Press Club appearance this week. Jeb the Insult Comic Dog did not hold back. Not only is the growing anti-Fed Ed movement of parents, teachers, school board members, academics, privacy advocates and state legislators of all stripes “purely political,” Bush sniped, but the Common Core backlash that’s causing him conniption fits is also opposed to academic excellence.
Yep. If you question Jeb Bush and his Big Business/Big Government cronies, you stand foursquare against student achievement and intellectual rigor (Of course!—my addition). Pay attention, all you informed moms and dads who have raised pointed, carefully researched questions about the costs, quality, validity, constitutionality and intrusiveness of Common Core. Bush thinks you are ‘purely political’ beasts who are recklessly harming your own kids’ scholastic advancement (Which, of course, parents always want to do!—my addition).
‘If you’re comfortable with mediocrity, fine. I’m not,’ Bush hissed at Common Core critics. ‘(W)e’re not going to be able to sustain this extraordinarily exceptional country unless we challenge every basic assumption on how we do things.’
Translation: Don’t you know Jeb Bush cares more about your children than you do (And knows more about educating them than we do!—my addition)?
Bush is all for challenging how we do things, unless you’re challenging how the Common Core machine does things. He reiterated Common Core peddlers’ claims that their standards are internationally ‘benchmarked’ (What does that mean? Buzz words anyone! Just like the science is settled when it comes to “man made” global warming! Except it is not!—my addition) and ‘world-class.’ But that’s pure horse-hockey. And it’s not “political” people who are calling out the Common Core racket.
Stanford University professor James Milgram, a prominent dissenting member of the Common Core math standards committee, has exposed how the muddled standards would leave American students at least two years behind the rest of the planet (If everything were perfect, which they never are, I would still be opposed because they are national and not local! The federal government has NO authority over education!—my addition).
University of Arkansas education professor emeritus and Massachusetts school standards architect Sandra Stotsky, who sat on the language arts validation panel, has documented how the English standards will result in:
1) teachers spending at least 50 percent of their reading instruction time on ‘informational texts’ (What are these?—my addition) at every grade level.
2) reduced emphasis on analytical skills involving complex literary works.
3) a depleted fund of content knowledge that will leave students unprepared for basic college coursework (They already are? So, this will make it worse?—my addition).
Both Stotsky and Milgram repeatedly asked their panel colleagues for the names of the countries the Common Core standards were allegedly ‘benchmarked’ to, but they never received an answer (Strange?—my addition).
Furthermore, Christopher Tienken of Seton Hall University notes that much of the ‘evidence’ and ‘empirical research’ that the Common Core crowd cites comes from … the Common Core crowd (Use themselves to prove themselves! Interesting!—my addition). ‘When I reviewed that ‘large and growing body of knowledge,’’ Tienken reported, ‘I found that it was not large, and in fact built mostly on one report, Benchmarking for Success, created by the NGA (National Governors Association) and the CCSSO (Council of Chief State School Officers), the same groups that created these standards. Hardly independent research.”
Jeb Bush routinely has dismissed those who protest Common Core’s increasing federalization of local control over schools as conspiracy-mongers. But it’s President Obama and Education Secretary Arne Duncan who’ve made common cause with Bush and corporate elites in foisting Common Core standards, tests, technology and data-mining boondoggles on local school districts. Obama, Duncan and Bush have been meeting with deep-pocketed CEOs in Washington, not with ordinary parents outside the Beltway (Of course! Who cares about parents?—my addition).
Dr. Bill Evers of the Hoover Institution succinctly debunked Bush’s repeated insistence that 45 states voluntarily adopted the irresistibly rigorous standards:
‘(S)tates weren’t leaping because they couldn’t resist the Core’s academic magnetism. They were leaping because it was the Great Recession—and the Obama administration was dangling a $4.35 billion Race to the Top carrot in front of them. Big points in that federal program were awarded for adopting the Core, so, with little public debate, most did.’
Can you spell b-o-o-n-d-o-g-g-l-e? Remember: Bush’s educational foundation, the Foundation for Excellence in Education, is tied at the hip to the federally funded testing consortium called PARCC (Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers), which raked in $186 million through Race to the Top to develop nationalized tests ‘aligned’ to the top-down Common Core program (Self interest on his part?—my addition).
One of the Bush foundation’s behemoth corporate sponsors is Pearson, the multi-billion-dollar educational publishing and testing conglomerate. Pearson snagged $23 million in contracts to design the first wave of PARCC test items. The company holds a $250 million contract with Florida to design and publish its state tests (Florida? Bush’s Florida!—my addition). Pearson designed New York’s Common Core-aligned assessments and is also the exclusive contractor for Texas state tests.
And in Los Angeles this summer, Pearson sealed a whopping $30 million taxpayer-subsidized deal to supply the city’s schools with 45,000 iPads pre-loaded with Pearson Common Core curriculum apps. That’s $678 per iPad, $200 more than the standard cost, with scant evidence that any of this shiny edu-tech will do anything to improve the achievement bottom line (Raise your hand if you think it will!—my addition).
As with all political posers who grab power under the guise of doing it ‘for the children,’ don’t read their lips. Follow the money (“for the children” One of the buzz words of the Left! For example, abortion is for the children! Right!—my addition).”
Buyer beware when the federal government is controlling your education!
The House of Representatives has voted to defund Obamacare. Pray for a positive vote to defund in the United States Senate! We, for the moment, concentrate on the Senate! If the President wants to shut down the government to save this terrible law, so be it!
Contact your Senators by phone at the district offices and the Washington D.C. office, by e-mail, by all means at your disposal! Remind them of the obvious:
1) Obamacare is immoral!
2) Obamacare is illegal!
3) Obamacare is unconstitutional!
4) the American people do NOT want Obamacare implemented!
5) If you vote for Obamacare funding, YOU OWN Obamacare!
6) Obamacare is a vote for, vote against issue in 2014!
7) He/she represents US not the Party and not the President!
Watch this video on Great Britain hospitals!
1,608,849 Signatures to defund
Because I (the speaker in this video) have no morality:
Listen closely to this video:
Senator Chris Murphy (D-Connecticut) next election 2018! Store this until then! They think people have short memories. And some do. Videos help!
Friday, September 20, 2013
Common Core in Public Schools Will Destroy Public Education?
“American Truckers Boycotting the Corrupt Federal Government on October 11 for Three Days! Will You Join the Boycott?” Posted on today.
“Public Schools Will Destroy America
by Sam Rolley
September 20, 2013
If you love your children and want them to be productive, intelligent members of society with basic understanding of the Nation’s founding principles, then you should take them out of government schools as quickly as possible.
Recent education headlines should have American parents up in arms about the sort of education their children are receiving (Most people do not know the type of education their children are receiving or believe they are receiving a good education. These examples unfortunately are the tip of the iceberg!—my addition).
Take, for example, the story of the Denton, Texas, Unified School District’s adoption of the book United States History: Preparing for the Advanced Placement Examination as a supplement to a larger course of study for students aiming to ace the AP U.S. History test to jump-start their college careers.
The textbook, intended to help students gain a more thorough understanding of the U.S. Constitution, quotes the 2nd Amendment (This is not correct. It is not a quote of the Second Amendment. It is an incorrect summary of the Second Amendment! Either way, it is wrong!—my addition) as follows: “Second Amendment: The people have a right to keep and bear arms in a state militia.”
If it isn’t bad enough that some high school students in the United States are being indoctrinated with textbooks that could have been written by MSNBC talking heads, get this: Fourth-graders in Vermilion Parish, La., were given a homework assignment recently, apparently deemed age-appropriate by Common Core standards (Federal government pushed standards for all States!—my addition), which sought to teach the 9-year-olds about ‘Po Pimp’ and ‘mobstaz.’
If you’re a little rusty on your Ebonics, here are some definitions, courtesy of the user-generated Urban Dictionary:
Po Pimp—1. ‘Chi-town slang for a poor pimp.’ Or 2, ‘a po pimp is a pimp with no money and some busted, loose, broke (Expletive deleted—my addition) hoes.’
‘Po Pimp’ is also the name of a single produced in 1997 by the rap outfit Do Or Die, which included the rapper Twista—who evidently was part of that day’s lesson.
A copy of the actual homework assignment, provided to FOX News by angry parent Brittney Badeaux, features variations of the word ‘twist.’
The offending paragraph reads: ‘Carl Terrell Mitchell, better known by his stage name Twista, was born in 1972. Nineteen years later Mitchell’s first album, ‘Runnin’ Off at da Mouth,’ debuted. In 1997, after appearing on Do or Die’s hit ‘Po Pimp,’ Twista was signed to Atlantic Records. Under that label he released ‘Adrenaline Rush’ and formed the group Speedknot Mobstaz in 1998. His 2004 album Kamikaze went to number-one on the U.S. Billboard 200 album chart (This is now considered education? How far we have fallen!—my addition).’
‘I try to instill values in my son,’ Badeaux told FOX’S Todd Starnes. ‘My goal is for him ultimately to become a great man, a family man, a well-rounded man. And now my son wants to know what a pimp is.’
The parent said she was shocked when her child read the paragraph as she helped him with his homework.
‘I couldn’t believe it at first—hearing him read it to me,’ she told FOX News. ‘So I looked at the paper and read the entire article. It was filled with Ebonics.’
She continued, ‘It was really inappropriate for my child. He doesn’t know what a pimp or mobster is.’
Vermilion Parish School Superintendent Jerome Puyau essentially told FOX that the inclusion of rap references was simply a facet of the Common Core approach.
‘Out of context, this word is inappropriate,’ Puyau said. ‘However, within the Common Core standards, they do want us to discuss real world texts (This is a “real world” text? Again, how far we have fallen! From Shakespeare to “gangster rap?” Have they lost their common sense?—my addition).’
Most people would certainly agree that there are an endless number of more appropriate ‘real world texts’ for fourth-graders to examine besides Do or Die’s ballad of the ‘Po Pimp.’
But as The Hill noted in 2011, Common Core really isn’t about providing quality education to America’s students. Rather, it is a bit of national social engineering courtesy of the Federal government (Exactly! And poor social engineering at that!—my addition):
‘But today the Obama Administration is funding the development of national curriculum guidelines, national curriculum models, national teaching materials and national tests, using the Common Core national academic-content standards as the basis for these efforts. When Education Secretary Arne Duncan announced the Department’s grants to the testing groups on September 2, 2010, he pointed enthusiastically to one group ‘developing curriculum frameworks and ways to share great lesson plans’ and the other group developing ‘instructional modules (Anything the Obama Administration touches is a disaster!—my addition).’
These efforts to gather the reins of America’s K-12 course of study at the Federal level are likely to harm America’s public schools (Likely?—my addition), our teachers (Likely?—my addition), and our children (Likely?—my addition). Officials inside the Beltway cannot design a curriculum that is suitable and effective in every classroom across our large country. When mistakes and misjudgments are made in Washington, D.C., as is inevitable, they will affect the entire system and be hard to fix in the classroom (Will teachers even try?—my addition).’
With Common Core, the Federal government is simply doubling down on the original intent of public mass education (Federalized!—my addition).
As polemicist Noam Chomsky notes in his 1995 work Class Warfare:
‘Mass education was designed to turn independent farmers into docile, passive tools of production. That was its primary purpose. And don’t think people didn’t know it. They knew it and they fought against it. There was a lot of resistance to mass education for exactly that reason. It was also understood by the elites. Emerson once said something about how we’re educating them to keep them from our throats. If you don’t educate them, what we call ‘education,’ they’re going to take control—‘they’ being what Alexander Hamilton called the ‘great beast,’ namely the people. The anti-democratic thrust of opinion in what are called democratic societies is really ferocious. And for good reason. Because the freer the society gets, the more dangerous the great beast becomes and the more you have to be careful to cage it somehow.’
Of course, if you are a victim of public education, there’s a chance you’re scratching your head now wondering, ‘Who the (Expletive deleted—my addition) are Emerson and Alexander Hamilton?’
If that’s the case, at least you still have a shot at becoming a po pimp.”
The 3PM news just played a clip in which the President said he was not going to repeal Obamacare. When did he become both President and Congress?
Today the House of Representatives voted to defund Obamacare. Pray for a positive vote to defund in the United States Senate! We concentrate on the Senate! If the President wants to shut down the government to save this terrible law, so be it!
Keep in contact with your Senators! Remind them of the obvious:
1) Obamacare is immoral!
2) Obamacare is illegal!
3) Obamacare is unconstitutional!
4) the American people do NOT want Obamacare implemented!
5) If you vote for Obamacare funding, YOU OWN Obamacare!
6) Obamacare is a vote for, vote against issue in 2014!
7) He/she represents US not the Party and not the President!
Watch this video on Great Britain hospitals!
1,512,195 Signatures to defund
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