Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Illegal, Illegal Aliens: Guess What Percent of Illegal Aliens Are Not Showing Up for Court Dates?

Update from:

“More than half-a-million letters, 525,000 to be specific, already are set to be delivered to the 247 GOP members of the U.S. House when they get back to business, urging them to replace Boehner as speaker.

And the momentum keeps building.

On Twitter, the hashtags #BoehnerMustGo and #DumpBoehner were surging, and other commentators, while not adopting the specific “JOIN THE DON’T BE YELLOW, DUMP BOEHNER NOW CAMPAIGN,” strategy, agree with the goal.”

“God created human government. It is, therefore, inconceivable that God would create government and then tell His people to stay out of it.” ~ Pastor Adrian Rogers

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My blog site for the U.S. House of Representatives District 19 for Texas campaign is:



Please continue to pray for Dr. Kent Brantly and all those involved with the Ebola outbreak in West Africa.

************************************************************************ has the exclusive right to sale my e-books in its Kindle Store.

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“Surprise: 96% of illegal Immigrant Families With Deportation Orders Never Showed Up to Immigration Hearings
Leah Barkoukis | December 30, 2014

When tens of thousands of illegal immigrants from Central America crossed the border earlier this year, many of them had to be released on their own recognizance because there simply wasn’t enough space to detain them all (Had to be? They could have been sent back where they came from! They should have been sent back!my addition). Now, a Houston television station has confirmed what we knew would happen all along (What we knew and what the Obama Administration knew! I would not be surprised to learn that the Obama Administration told them NOT to show up!my addition): the vast majority of them never showed up for their immigration hearings (Surprise! Surprise! NOT!my addition).

‘After six months of requests, the Executive Office of Immigration Review told Houston’s KPRC that 96 percent of the more than 4,100 families released on recognizance and ordered deported did not show up to court, prompting the government to classify them ‘in absentia (Does that make them illegal, illegal aliens? Who knew that people who came to this country illegally would not obey an order to appear? Who knew that? Will the federal government look for them? Of course not! Barack Hussein Obama should have been impeached just for allowing and encouraging this invasion into the United States! Why is Congress allowing this lawlessness?my addition).’

A similar 92 percent of the more than 1,600 unaccompanied children to be deported did not show up (Children were more responsible than the adults? Or, whoever was caring for them, wanted them gone!my addition).

The Executive Office of Immigration Review usually reports an 11 percent to 15 percent annual ‘in absentia’ rate, far below this year’s jump (These illegals felt entitled? Or, they were told not to show up!my addition).

Among the thousands who were caught and detained by Border Patrol, the court process remains sluggish. A mere 22 percent of the more than 30,400 families and unaccompanied children caught have received a court decision (Of course! And of those who had a court decision, how many were sent back to their home country?my addition).’

Thus, the White House’s focus on border apprehensions as a key indicator of border security is both ‘meaningless’ and ‘deliberately misleading,’ immigration expert Jessica Vaughan explains. (Of course! First of all, do not believe anything that comes from the Obama Administration! They lie, they manipulate the data, they change the rules! Congress has a constitutional duty to kept the executive branch in check! Where is that check? Nonexistent!my addition) “Apprehensions are not a metric of enforcement when illegal aliens are apprehended and then routinely released under the guise of ‘deportation proceedings’, ‘asylum applications’, or even ‘budget constraints’.

Further, any proposals that claim to want to enhance border security and enforcement by providing more resources, more personnel, more technology, and more infrastructure for immigration agencies without addressing the underlying policies that serve to undercut enforcement should be viewed with great skepticism (Before they do anything they need to shut down the border and then have a strict deportation policy! Nothing gets changed until the border is closed, the Obama Administration enforces the present law, and his Administration stops lying!
—my addition).’

Given these catch-and-release policies and Obama’s executive amnesty, what exactly is left to deter future border crossers (NOTHING! The States needs to start protecting their own borders if the federal government will not! Then send the federal government the bill!my addition)? After all, many who did so this year have now disappeared and dispersed across the United States and are reaping the benefits thanks to American taxpayers who are forced to pick up the tab for everything from education to health care (State should stop doing this too!my addition). No wonder Immigration and Customs Enforcement is already gearing up (Meaning what?my addition) for a new spring surge.

President Obama is making a mockery of the law and the Constitution! He needs to be impeached! And the States need to step up and do what the federal government can’t or WILL NOT do!

I will not be posting New Year’s Day. I plan, at the moment, to post again on the Second.

Have a great and successful 2015!

Sign the new Speaker John Boehner motivated petition to impeach our lawless President:

Government Golf Ball subsidy! Beautiful!

Abraham Lincoln:

President Barack Hussein Obama: I can not bypass Congress and change the laws on my own!

Jonathan Gruber’s controversial comments about Obamacare in a single two minute video:

Jonathan Gruber before Congress he either lied to Congress or he lied to his fellow academics? Which do you think he lied to? I know my answer! So does Chairman Issa!

