Wednesday, December 4, 2013

The Solution to Bullying: The Megan Meier Cyber-bullying Prevention Act or Standing Your Ground or Bully Free Zones or ???

Competition is good for the economy and competition is good for the Republican Party!!! Competition keeps Congressmen committed to we the people!!! Primary Republicans who do not support the Constitution as written.


“Liberal’s Wrong-Headed Response to Cyber-Bullying
by David L. Goetsch
December 2, 2013

I am old enough to remember when bullying was something that happened face to face, usually in the schoolyard and the neighborhood. Learning how to deal effectively with bullies was a major rite of passage for kids of my generation. Fathers, coaches, teachers, and society in general taught kids of my generation that there was only one way to deal with a bully: stand your ground and fight back (It would be great if Republican Minority Leader Mitch McConnell would learn this in relation to the Senate Democrat bullies. Instead, he tries to bully those of us who are suppose to be on the same side! Mitch are you a Democrat Lite or a conservative? Last I knew, conservatives think competition is good! Who is the bully? Who is your target?my addition). Even if we took a beating, kids of my generation were expected to give as well as we got. The idea was you either beat the bully at his own game or at the very least made picking on you so painful that the bully would leave you alone and harass someone else (Bullies do not bully people who will not be intimidated! That is why Mitch McConnell will not be able to bully the Tea Party! We are the root and soul of the Republican Party! Lose us and the Party is lost! Fair warning!my addition) .

One of my favorite episodes of the old Andy Griffith show was the one in which Opie has to stand up to a bully who has been waylaying him on the way to school every day and relieving him of his lunch money, an accurate scenario in my day (Rather ignorant to try to bully the son of the sheriff! TV!my addition). It is probably no accident that this same episode is one of the most popular in the history of the long-running series. I suspect that every kid in my generation had to face up to at least one bully during his years in school (Not one and I was not a bully. Perhaps potential bullies knew addition). In fact, when I was in what was then called junior high school—this was back in the days when students were actually held back if they failed a grade—we had a ninth-grader in our class who had been held back so many times he drove his own car to school. Naturally, he was a lot bigger than the rest of us, and he was a bully.

After this bully administered a beating to a member of our football team, our coach called a team meeting and told us to take care of the situation. When we reminded our coach that the bully was much bigger than any one of us, the coach replied: ‘He’s not bigger than all of you.’ That very afternoon about half of the football team met the class bully at his car as he was leaving school. The ensuing melee was not pretty. Suffice it to say the 17 year-old ninth grader never bullied anyone else at our junior high school. In fact, soon thereafter he transferred to adult high school. With this background, I will now jump ahead several decades to the present. Apparently schoolyard bullying has been replaced by cyber-bullying—an online version of the concept that amounts to mean-spirited name calling and harassment done primarily on social networking sites.

Call me old and out of touch if you will, but I don’t get the problem. In my day you had to stand up to a bully or suffer the consequences. There was no way to escape. You either gave in and were humiliated in front of your peers or fought back and took a few knocks. With cyber-bullying it’s different in two important ways. First, if someone is harassing you over the Internet, there is the obvious option of simply turning the computer off (Exactly! It is perplexing that people seem to prefer to be bullied rather than do the obvious! Is the internet that addictive? And, where are the parents?my addition). With the press of just one button, the bully goes away. Second, with cyber-bullying the worst case scenario is that the victim is the recipient of insulting or intimidating words—not fists, elbows, knees, feet, and teeth—just words. What is that old saying about “sticks and stones… (Hypersensitive people in todays world?my addition)’?

Everyone reading this column knows about the concept of flaming on the Internet. People of all ages feel empowered by their anonymity to say things over the Internet they would never say in face-to-face conversations (Brave souls? That is the power of anonymity! My position, if they will not identify themselves what they have to say is worthless! That is why I turned off my comment section. Leftists were being rude and crude in their comments in relation to my posts on homosexual behavior. Now, Im a former teacher so their comments meant absolutely nothing to me. But then I realized, my having a comment section was an encouragement to them to sin. So, I turned it off so they would not have the opportunity to sin. At least, publicly in relation to my posts!my addition). If you would like to get a taste of this phenomenon, just read the comments that follow any column on Patriot Update or any other conservative site. Those of us who make our conservative views known on the Internet are frequently attacked by self-righteous liberals whose mastery of invective and skillful use of profanity would make even the saltiest sailor blush (Absolutely true. The Left can not make an argument based upon facts and logic so they resort to name-calling, personal attacks, and obscenities!my addition). Radical liberals have called me things I never imagined myself to be. They have also recommended that I do things with myself that are physiologically impossible.

One of the most important lessons a young person can learn is how to let mean-spirited comments that are meant to hurt roll off one’s back. Young people need to learn that they should never give others power over them by giving in to cyber-bullies (Which is exactly what they do and it is not necessary!my addition). In this sense, cyber-bullies are just like schoolyard bullies. Give in to them and they will control your life. Apparently this is exactly what is happening. There have even been cases of youngsters committing suicide in response to cyber-bullying (Which is really hard to comprehend! Again, where are the parents! I know a father whos son received a threatening call from two high school girls. They left the threats on the answering machine. The father, a former school board member, took the evidence to the school, the school came down hard on the students, end of story! I mean, these people are so smart they leave incriminating evidence!my addition). A child who would commit suicide because of cyber-bullying obviously had some serious self-image problems and lacks any sort of coping skills. My question in these cases is: Where are the parents (Exactly!my addition)?

Unfortunately, rather than tell their children to simply turn off the computer and get a life or teaching their children important life skills like how to cope with cyber-bullies, parents are completely abdicating their responsibilities and asking the government to handle the problem. Parents who allow their children to live their lives vicariously through the Internet have begun to lobby liberal legislators for a government solution to the problem of cyber-bullying. Liberal legislators are, of course, only too happy to oblige and the First Amendment be (Expletive deleted! Just what is not needed! Why is the federal government the first place to go? This should be solved at the local level! That is where the problem originated!my addition).

Commenting on this subject for TOWNHALL (October 2013), Kevin Glass wrote:

‘… Democrat Representative Linda Sanchez of California (From California! That explains a lot right there!my addition) introduced the Megan Meier Cyber-bullying Prevention Act, a piece of legislation designed to protect children from online harassment (Prevent harassment but support the MURDER of unborn babies! Makes perfect sense to me!my addition) but which, in reality, had more sinister consequences. The legislation would have criminalized speech that could ‘cause substantial emotional distress to a person (Who in the world gets to determine emotional distress?” What nonsense! Thats a feeling! It is also indefinable and immeasurable!my addition)’ through different means of communication, including to ‘e-mail, instant messaging, blogs, websites, telephones, and text messages.’ Fortunately, the bill never made it out of the House.’

Legislation to prevent cyber-bullying? What nonsense (Indeed!my addition). For parents to ask the federal government to solve a problem that their shortcomings as parents helped cause is beyond belief. For liberals to think they can make it illegal to cause “emotional distress” is comical (And asinine!my addition). Liberals cause me emotional distress every time they open their mouths (A lot of truth to that! Maybe we do need such a law!my addition). Why not just ask the federal government to pass a law that makes it illegal to do anything that guarantees every child a carefree, problem-free life (You mean they have not tried to do this?my addition)? Such is the fantasy world in which liberals reside. The parents, coaches, and teachers of my generation had it right when it came to dealing with bullies—the real kind. You either ignore them or stand up to them.

In either case, YOU learn to deal with them. What the adults of earlier generations understood is that the life of every kid is going to be fraught with problems, challenges, difficulties, and adversity (As well as the life of an adult! It is called life! Paradise comes later for those who are obedient to GOD! While in high school, I was fired from my after school job by the assistant manager and rehired by the manager. The assistant manager then resigned. I was fired from my first teaching job three weeks into the job for insubordination. My contract was not renewed after the first year on my second teaching jobnot qualified to teach P.E. I resigned from my third and last teaching job. Since then Ive had a really irresponsible boss who threatens to fire me all the time. Havent been fired yet though. We are both stubborn! Of course, that boss is me so we have to put up with each other! Me the boss; me the employee!my addition). They are going to have to deal with bullies of one kind or another all of their lives. Consequently, the sooner they learn how to do so the better off they will be. In fact, the better off we all will be.”

By the way, what is the so called “Knock-out Game” if not a form of cowardly bullying and criminal activity?

As I’ve said repeatedly, for us Christians, GOD never promised us a rose garden! In fact, if we are living a Christian life, we have been promised persecution! Isn’t that a wonderful promise. And it is, because with that persecution, if we remain faithful, comes eternal life! And as JESUS said in Matthew 16: 25-27 (NIV),

“For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it. What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul? For the Son of Man is going to come in his Father’s glory with his angels, and then he will reward each person according to what they have done.”


“Posted by Anne Sorock
August 2, 2012 

Ballotpedia has compiled data on the average net worth of our elected officials for the years 2004 to 2010. As the average net worth of Congress has increased since 2004, and held about even from 2007 to 2010, the average American family net worth dropped 40 percent from 2007 to 2010 to an average of $77,300.

In 2010, the average net worth for a U.S. senator was $13,224,333. The average net worth for a Democratic senator was $19,383,524, compared to $7,054,258 for a Republican senator. That’s a difference of $12.3 million.

The top ten richest senators, the highest seven of which are Democrats, from this Ballotpedia table:

Top 10 Senators in 2010 with average net worth:

John Kerry (D-Massachusetts) $231,722,794

Mark Warner (D-Virginia) $192,730,605

Herb Kohl (D-Wisconsin) $173,538,010

Jay Rockefeller (D-West Virginia) $99,057,011

Frank R. Lautenberg (D-New Jersey) $85,572,116

Richard Blumenthal (D-Connecticut) $73,151,590

Dianne Feinstein (D-California) $69,046,622

Bob Corker (R-Tennessee) $59,550,022

James E. Risch (R-Idaho) $54,088,026

Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky) $27,213,024

Watch this video: Barack Hussein Obama in high school

Video: President Barack Hussein Obama now & then on Obamacare

E-book available: Why Uphold Marriage?

We need to keep supporting and working for PRO-LIFE, PRO-TRADITIONAL FAMILY candidates and representatives at all levels of government.

Never get complacent!

Never give-up!


You will know them by their words and deeds!

Matthew 12: 35-37 (NIV)

“A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in him, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in him. But I tell you that everyone will have to give account on the day of judgment for every empty word they have spoken. For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned.”

Matthew 11: 19b (NIV)

“But wisdom is proved right by her deeds.”

This question was at the side of an article I posted on

“Debating Abortion: Should You Use Pro-Choice or Pro-Abortion?”

My answer: Neither! We should name it by what it is! PRO-MURDER!

Texas Senator John Cornyn is already running ads for his reelection in 2014! We will not be fooled! John Cornyn voted for cloture to FUND Obamacare! John Cornyn owns Obamacare!

John Cornyn owns Obamacare! REMEMBER THE ALAMO!!!

John Cornyn owns Obamacare! REMEMBER THE ALAMO!!!

John Cornyn owns Obamacare! REMEMBER THE ALAMO!!!




1) Obamacare is immoral!

2) Obamacare is illegal!

3) Obamacare is unconstitutional!

4) the American people do NOT want Obamacare implemented!

5) If you vote for Obamacare funding, YOU OWN Obamacare!

6) Obamacare is a vote for, vote against issue in 2014!

7) He/she represents US not the Party and not the President!

Watch this video on Great Britain hospitals!