Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Senator John McCain to Run for Reelection in 2016? He Expects a Tea Party Challenger!

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From: http://townhall.com/tipsheet/danieldoherty/2014/11/13/yep-sure-looks-like-mccain-is-running-for-reelection-n1918149?utm_source=thdailypm&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=nl_pm

“Let’s Face It: McCain’s Probably Not Retiring in 2016
Daniel Doherty
November 13, 2014

But at least he knows what he’s getting into. Let's give him that:

‘Arizona Republican Senator John McCain said Wednesday that he’s ‘absolutely’ leaning toward running for reelection to the Senate in 2016 and that he’ll be the ‘number one target of the tea partiers (I should hope so!—my addition)’ if he does decide to run again.

‘You have to hope for the best and prepare for the worst,’ McCain told msnbc when asked whether he was anticipating a tea party challenge. ‘I definitely think that I would have to absolutely anticipate a tea party candidate or two or three … everybody tells me that I’m the number one target of the tea partiers (One strong candidate! Arizona does not require a minimum percent to win. This should be a one on one race! I know I would work with a strong Tea Party candidate! The candidate needs to get to work now!—my addition).’’

I’d agree. As a matter of fact, I suspect tea partiers are chomping at the bit hoping he runs in 2016. The chance to sink an establishment candidate who has insulted and annoyed conservatives for years (Including Senator Ted Cruz!—my addition) will be too delicious an opportunity to pass up. And unlike Lindsey Graham, McCain’s not going to coast to the nomination, either (I hope not! I pray he loses!—my addition).

Remember a few months back when his own party voted to censor him for deserting the GOP’s ‘core values (See the end of this post!—my addition)?’ These are the exact same people who are determined to making sure Senator McCain doesn’t get re-nominated, let alone re-elected. In other words, if he runs, it’s going to get real ugly, real fast.

That being said, McCain’s almost an octogenarian (He was born in August of 1936!—my addition) Therefore, in 2016, he will be 80 before the election!—my addition). So shouldn’t he just bow out and pass the torch? Shouldn't he just—oh, I don’t know—retire? Nope. It seems he has no desire to call it quits just yet, or to go quietly, either (Some people just do not know when it is time to bow out!—my addition).

Best of luck, Senator (As he is retired by the voters in 2016!—my addition).

I lived in the Tucson area from June of 1980 to June of 2004. During most of that time, Senator McCain was our Senator. I never voted for him. Until 2000, I voted Democrat. However, I knew prominent Republicans. They told me that Senator McCain would be just as comfortable being a Democrat in Massachusetts as he is being a Republican in Arizona! Sounds like an extreme RINO Republican to me!