Friday, December 28, 2012

The Legal System, Family Conflict, The Supreme Court, Pro-Life, and Justice, Part 2

My eviction court case number is Case No. 12-LM-156
Two more members of the cast of characters dealing with my eviction
ATG Trust Company—the new trustee who took over in October of 2011 according to documents given to my attorney during discovery (See the e-mail below that I received from my brother-in-law—a Republican member of the Tazewell County Board of Supervisors)
Mark McGrath—the attorney representing the new trustee in this area of the State
According to a news story in the Morton Times-News, Mark McGrath is the attorney for several of our Republican Townships in Tazewell County. See the other cast of characters listed on my December 27, 2012 post.
Mr. McGrath

It is my understanding that in October we asked for a yearly accounting of the trust since the new trustee took control of the trust the year previous. At the trial on November 30th, I heard your son Pat tell my attorney that it was coming. According to my attorney, she has not received it and it was to be sent directly to me. As of today, I have not received it. Why not? I would appreciate receiving said information before my eviction date. That does seem reasonable. It has been over two months since the original request.

Second, I have not been given instructions on turning over the keys to the house. On January 1, 2013, I will be on public property outside the house during daylight hours protesting my eviction under the unjust law that allowed it. I will turn over the keys at that time. I will need a signed receipt for the keys.

Third, on January 1, 2013, I will donate my possessions to my church. Will the church be given a reasonable time to remove those possessions from the house?

Fourth, you might want to check out—the December 27 post. According to, I have already received almost twice as many hits on this one post than I have received on any specific post since I once again started using this particular site. People seem to be interested in this issue.

Since my means of communication is through the computers at the local library and since the library will be closed till January 2nd after closing Saturday afternoon, I need answers to these issues by Saturday December 29th by 4:45PM.

Thank you

Don L. Vance
P.S. This e-mail will be posted on later today. Have a good day!
“Vance Family Trust update
From: Mel Stanford
Sent: Mon 1/02/12 (My use of red—my addition) 12:17 PM
Just a short note to give everyone an update on the Vance Family Trust. After much thought, we, as trustees, concluded that it would be better if the administration of the trust was transferred to a neutral third party.
This has been done. The administration of the Vance Family Trust is now being conducted by the ATG Trust Company. The local representative for ATG Trust is Mark McGrath. Mark is a local attorney who has worked with Martha (My mother—my addition) and us over the years on various issues. (Guess who recommended Mark McGrath to my parents!—my addition)
Any questions about the administration of the Vance Family Trust should be directed to Mr. McGrath at:” (I have not included the rest of the e-mail except for the following—my addition)
“Lil and Mel”
I received my eviction notice on January 5, 2012. As you’ll recall, according to the documents given under discovery, ATG Trust Company became the new trustee in October 2011. I wonder why the delay in telling me/us. Or did the rest of the family already know?