Friday, July 13, 2012

Payment of the Jury Trial Fee and a Motion

JOKE of the DAY:
“Obama: Romney, GOP ‘not serious’ about deficit
From Associated Press
July 13, 2012 1:47 PM EDT

“VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. (AP)—President Barack Obama says if Mitt Romney and Republicans aren’t willing to let tax cuts lapse for the wealthiest Americans, they’re ‘not serious’ about deficit reduction.”

The President in office at the time of the greatest increase in the national debt in any one term is saying Republicans aren’t serious about deficit reduction!

April 30, 2012

I borrowed my church friend’s car once more and drove to Pekin to pay the jury trial fee. I had $212.50 in cash along with some extra money just in case.

The jury trial request was as follows:

To: The Honorable XXXX XXXXXX
Judge of the Circuit Court of the Tenth Judicial Circuit

Donald L. Vance
April 30, 2012
RE: Continuance order to May 9, 2012 at 10AM for the bench trial ….
XXXX XXXX XXXXX, Successor Trustee of the XXXXXX Living Trust
Donald Vance
Case No. XX-XX-XXX
Amount Claimed: Court Costs
Dear Judge XXXXXX:
I respectfully request that my scheduled bench trial on May 9, 2012 at 10AM be changed to a jury trial.
Respectfully submitted by:
Donald L. Vance
I also filed one motion at that time. The motion:
Motion for dismissal of court case XX-XX-XXX with prejudice
To: The Honorable XXXX XXXXXX
Judge of the Circuit Court of the Tenth Judicial Circuit

Donald L. Vance
April 30, 2012
RE: Continuance order to May 9, 2012 at 10AM for the bench trial ….
XXXX XXXX XXXXX, Successor Trustee of the XXXXXX Living Trust
Donald Vance
Case No. XX-XX-XXX
Amount Claimed: Court Costs
Dear Judge XXXXXX:
I respectfully submit a motion for dismissal of the Plaintiff’s claim with prejudice. The Plaintiff can not possibly prove the alleged claim of Paragraph 2 that “The Plaintiff, through its prior Trustee, allowed the Defendant to reside in the property described in Paragraph 1 without payment of any cash rent in exchange for providing personal services for XXXXXXX X XXXXXX.”
(I gave six reasons why the case should be dismissed. I will not list those reasons in this post.)
In conclusion, the Defendant asks for two immediate actions in relation to this motion.
1) The dismissal of court case XX-XX-XXX with prejudice.
2) The Defendant respectfully requests that Plaintiff be ordered to pay all Defendant court costs which at this time consists of $89.00 court filing fee and $212.50 for jury trial fee.
Respectfully submitted,
Donald L. Vance
(I have deleted the names of companies, individuals, and other information. This information will be part of my second book in my The Black Sword series of five books. I will include all information deleted in the book.)