Saturday, August 23, 2014

Skin Cancer vs. Vitamin D from the Sun. Is there a Dilemma?

Please pray for Dr. Kent Brantly and all those involved with the Ebola outbreak in West Africa.

Praise the LORD! Dr. Brantly was released from the hospital on 8/21/14!

According to Rush Limbaugh, Dr. Brantly did what a medical missionary would do, he praised GOD!

Yet, ABC radio, which is my news source, edited out ALL references to GOD in it news broadcasts! has the exclusive right to sale my e-books in its Kindle Store.


1) The direct link to the e-book Constitution Workbook for Gunslingers.

2) The direct link to the e-book Constitution Answerbook for Gunslingers.

3) The direct link to the e-book The Black Sword: The Secret U.S. Army in Vietnam

4) The direct link to the e-book Bible Questionbook on Homosexuality for GODseekers

5) The direct link to the e-book Bible Answerbook on Homosexuality for GODseekers

6) The direct link to the e-book The Bold Church of Jesus, the Christ: The Bold Church and the Holy Spirit Questionbook (This is the first book in a series on The Bold Church of Jesus, the Christ)

7) The direct link to the e-book The Bold Church of Jesus, the Christ: The Bold Church and the Holy Spirit Answerbook (This is the second book in a series on The Bold Church of Jesus, the Christ)

8) The direct link to the e-book The Bold Church of Jesus, the Christ: The Church Individually and Collectively Questionbook (This is the third book in a series on The Bold Church of Jesus, the Christ)

9) The direct link to the e-book The Bold Church of Jesus, the Christ: The Church Individually and Collectively Answerbook (This is the forth book in a series on The Bold Church of Jesus, the Christ)

Primaries in August:

03) Arizona Primary: August 26, 2014 Adam Kwasman Congressional District 1



09) Florida State Primary: August 26, 2014

45) Vermont Primary: August 26, 2014

Oklahoma Runoff Election: August 26, 2014

Early voting: August 21-23

Get out the vote, vote, and support Steve Russell in the August 26 runoff election in District 5 for the House of Representatives.




“4 Important Reasons to NOT Wear Sunscreen
Sam M

Gone are the days of slathering on oil and laying in the sun for that golden summer glow. These days, everyone is well aware of the dangers of sun exposure and its connection to skin cancer.

Some doctors are now telling their fair-skinned patients they should never be in full sun for more than 20 minutes without wearing sunscreen because it could lead to melanoma.

But could all this emphasis on sun protection leave us exposed to a different set of serious medical problems (Good question?my addition)?

Consider these 4 reasons why you should consider skipping your sunscreen.
1) Many sunscreens on the market are filled with toxic ingredients such as oxybenzone and retinyl palmitate, which may potentially cause problems like hormone disruption or, ironically, skin cancer (You are after all put it on your skin!my addition). Even the ‘healthy’ sunblocks out there which work by physically reflecting light using mineral nanoparticles such as zinc oxide have been known to absorb into skin and show up in the bloodstream.

2) By blocking all sun rays, you are stopping your body from producing vitamin D. The sun’s ultraviolet B (UVB) rays on your skin is the most natural, effective way to get vitamin D (That is what I was taught when I was young before all this panic over skin cancer! You need to be out in the sun!my addition).

3) Vitamin D deficiency is a rising concern in the US especially with increased use of sunscreen in recent years. Vitamin D deficiency has of late been connected to a surprising number of common diseases ranging from rheumatoid arthritis to dementia.

4) You may think you can get vitamin D from food and/or supplements, but the few foods that naturally contain vitamin D such as egg yolk, certain fish and beef liver only have small amounts and are high in cholesterol and saturated fat. Supplementation in the winter may be necessary for some as vitamin D levels are depleted by lack of sun. However supplements are not as effective and may not be properly absorbed.

This does not mean we are doomed to choose between skin cancer or vitamin D deficiency. We can educate ourselves and make responsible choices about when and how long to expose our skin to the sun.

The key is not to stay out long enough to turn pink or burn. Clothing, hats, sunshades/umbrellas and staying in the shade are also effective at blocking the harmful UVA rays that can cause skin cancer.

So this summer, consider seeking alternative sun protection when necessary and give sunshine a second chance.

The choice is yours, of course. But, be educated! Do some research. I personally am out in the sun literally every day. I jog six days a week and go to church on Sunday. And I hate wearing hats. The last time I wore a hat was my first full year of teaching when I was the varsity baseball coach. A coach was expected to wear a baseball cap so I did. Havent worn one since. Your choice. However, know this. Just because the government says it, doesnt make it true. Consider the continuous lying about the nonexistentman-madeglobal warming!

The Obama Administration: How NOT to govern a nation!




Impeachment IS the answer!

Galatians 6: 7-9 (NIV)

Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”

NEVER GIVE UP! NEVER SURRENDER! In the end, VICTORY belongs to GOD and HIS people! HIS people are, by definition, CHRISTIANS! Followers of JESUS, the CHRIST!

Impeach Barack Hussein Obama!

Impeach Barack Hussein Obama!

Impeach Barack Hussein Obama!

Unborn baby’s beating heart at 7 and ½ weeksless than two monthsand yet a potential murder victim from the hands of the child’s mother. How is that even rational?

This movie is just under an hour and ten minutes in length. Watch it to the end! The final court room scene. Listen carefully. This was Hollywood in 1943.

Illinois Senator Dick Durbinup for reelection this yearcompares U.S. soldiers to those of Nazi Germany!