Tuesday, February 3, 2015
Planned Parenthood and Sex Education in Your Schools: An Action Plan to Rid Your School of Planned Parenthood Deviancy!
“God created human government. It is, therefore, inconceivable that God would create government and then tell His people to stay out of it.” ~ Pastor Adrian Rogers
An app available now!
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My blog site for the U.S. House of Representatives District 19 for Texas campaign is:
Please continue to pray for Dr. Kent Brantly and all those involved with the Ebola outbreak in West Africa.
Sometime around the 19th of December, my computer was hijacked, as the professional who fixed it stated. I try to be extra careful but I seemed to have let it in. We think we know how.
My oldest brother likes to say: “Just because you are paranoid, it doesn’t mean someone isn’t out to get you.” If we are correct as far as when the hijacking occurred, it has been over a month and yet all my financial accounts are intact. Therefore, I have to wonder if the attack was for another purpose.
Of course, I have been and am a huge critic of President Obama since he was running for the Senate in Illinois in 2006. I have called for his impeachment for his lawless behavior. In December, I became involved in stopping abortion/MURDER at the State level encouraging States to pass life begins at concept/Personhood laws. Is this why my computer was hijacked? I do not know. However, I have no doubt the regime would do such a thing! As I have said, they are lawless! They are also without morals doing anything for the agenda! And big on the agenda is MURDERING unborn babies.
That said, I’m back. And I will keep fighting for life, for family, for GOD, for the Constitution, and for taking back the nation!
From: http://www.stopp.org/plan.php?subcategory=E
“Plan for Defeating PP—Education
Defeating Planned Parenthood’s Public School Sex Education Programs
The Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) has, since 1970, pushed for sex education in public schools (Even before Roe vs. Wade which was decided in January of 1973!—my addition). In 1986, its president, Faye Wattleton, stated that PPFA had established a goal of getting kindergarten through twelfth grade sex education mandated in every school district in the nation. Planned Parenthood sees sex education as a way of indoctrinating our children with PP’s philosophies—philosophies that include the acceptance of abortion and deviant sexual practices, philosophies that are in direct opposition to the teachings of most churches in this country (All churches in this country which are based on belief in GOD based upon Biblical truth!—my addition).
The religious debate
Many who fight Planned Parenthood sex ed programs come to realize that they are in the middle of a religious fight. Planned Parenthood is in the business of spreading the ideas and philosophies of the Humanist Manifestos to the community in general and to our children in particular (Absolutely!—my addition). Since public schools are not supposed to get into the teaching of religion, many people feel hindered in the sex ed battle. They hear the arguments of the other side, which says, ‘Don’t force your values on the schools (Which is exactly what Planned MURDERHOOD attempts to do—force their brand of humanism upon everyone! It is the typical Leftist trick of accusing others of doing what they are doing! Except they are trying to morally poison everyone! It IS a war of worldviews!—my addition).’
Parents are not sure how to respond. Our advice is to look at the matter from a different perspective ...
You are not going to ask the schools to teach your religion. You and your church can do that just fine. But you must insist that the schools not teach your children things that are against your religion. If your religion says abortion is wrong, the schools have no right to teach your children that abortion is okay (Exactly!—my addition). If your religion says homosexuality is wrong, the schools have no right to teach your children that homosexuality is okay (True!—my addition). If your religion teaches that premarital sex is a sin, the schools have no right to teach your children that it is normal and acceptable behavior (Correct! They are trying to force their immorality on others!—my addition).
Since you pay for the schools with your tax money, you have an obligation to see to it that the school does not use your money to teach against your religion (Schools are not suppose to be an indoctrination center for the Left!—my addition). This is the argument that won the battle against the offensive ‘Rainbow Curriculum’ in New York City schools and led to the firing of the schools’ chancellor.
What to expect...
Planned Parenthood’s sex education programs have been thrown out of a number of school districts and some districts have strict policies against Planned Parenthood material (Every district in the nation should! No school should allow an organization that is based upon MURDERING children! That is insanity!—my addition). To be successful in this effort, you must be persistent (Just as persistent or more persistent than Planned MURDERHOOD will be! And they will be! They need babies before they can MURDER them! That means they need sexually active children and unmarried adults!—my addition). A typical scenario when you are trying to unseat an existing program in your schools is:
YEAR 1: The school board will try to put you off until June in hopes that you will go away.
YEAR 2: The school board will try to make some small, insignificant compromise to placate you so that you will go away.
YEAR 3: The school board will be surprised you have not gone away and will begin to take you seriously. Now is the time to reiterate your goals and to drive for complete success (Persistence!—my addition).
In this section, we will give you concrete advice on how to effectively fight sex education programs advocated by Planned Parenthood in public schools. These are not theoretical methods. They are the result of real fights in real school districts. The one thing that we can assure you is that victories against PP sex education programs are won by ordinary people, people who are no different from you and who had a faith in God that allowed them to succeed (Do not ever underestimate the POWER of the HOLY SPIRIT!—my addition).
As you read the techniques, remember that you too can defeat sex education. Remember also that this fight has a religious aspect. As described earlier, you must oppose these programs to protect your children from being turned against your religious beliefs. Therefore, enter the fight with a strong faith in God and know that if you do His will, you will win (GOD NEVER LOSES!—my addition). So let’s take a look at what you have to do (remember that most fights do not involve all the things listed; God will direct you to what is appropriate for your town) ...
Rely on God to direct your efforts. Read Matthew, Chapter 10, for direction and whenever you get discouraged.
Discover what is going on
Make sure you take the time, in the beginning, to find out exactly what is going on in your school. You cannot fight these programs with generalities. You must know exactly what is going on in your school and be able to document it. A couple of months of quiet fact-gathering and documenting will pay dividends later when the battle heats up.
If you do not know where to start looking, a good place is in the health curriculum in fifth, seventh and eleventh grades. These seem to be the entry grade levels for Planned Parenthood sex ed programs. See how abortion, homosexuality and masturbation are treated in these courses. It will tell you a great deal about your school’s sex ed. If you find objectionable material, make copies of it.
Use the Freedom of Information Law to obtain information from the schools (When I was in Illinois fighting city hall, I used this all the time. The village was very good about it! Some government agencies will not be! Be kind but be persistent and firm. If you do not receive what you are looking for. File again!—my addition). Detailed information on how to use this law is available at http://stopp.org/rr0108.htm#foil. In addition to the curriculum, you should ask to see any pamphlets or other handouts used in the class and you should view any films used. Do not let them hide anything (And some schools will try to! Also find out about outside sources who come into the school!—my addition)!
When trying to find out what is going on in your school district, one good source is the teacher’s reference section of the school library. These are the books intended for teacher use in preparing lessons and most of the hard-core texts can be found here. Go to the teacher’s reference library and look for books on human sexuality. If you find objectionable material, make copies of it (Also check the library books themselves! Are there books that promote homosexuality? Do they have books with opposing views?—my addition).
The key to finding out what is going on in your school is persistence. Do not let anyone put you off. If you need material, call daily until you get it and visit the school office daily if that is what it takes (The squeaky wheel gets the grease!—my addition).
Know the school education laws in your state. Know what is mandatory and what is not. If you do not know the laws, write to your state department of education and ask for a copy of all laws dealing with sex education, AIDS education, family life education and human growth and development courses (Can also probably get this by e-mail!—my addition).
Document the Situation
If you become aware of a problem, document the problem and, if possible, get more than one student’s word for it. Keep a logbook of all your activities and write down summaries of all conversations with officials, including dates and the names of all attendees.
Document your objections to the school program. You will find that the other side will distort your real concerns, so take the time to write out specifically what your objections are (Get as much as you can in writing or e-mail! They can not dispute or distort what is written! Paper trail! Paper trail! Paper trail!—my addition).
Put your recommended action in writing—that way there can be no controversy over exactly what you are seeking. Ask for what you really want. Don’t be shy or humble. If you want to throw sex ed and Planned Parenthood out of your schools, say so (Which is what you want!—my addition)!
Starting action
Whenever possible, you should work with the school administration to get rid of offensive programs before going to the school board. Although you must fight against what is in your district, do not hesitate to cite examples and problems with programs in other districts. Cite national numbers and important research to bolster your case.
Do not hesitate to face the other side head on. The fact is that most pro-lifers are better prepared to discuss these issues than most of the sex education supporters. Never be afraid to confront them. You will have greater knowledge than they do, and you have the Holy Spirit on your side (How can you lose! Be bold! Be persistent! Never surrender!—my addition)!
Be careful of PTA’s. Planned Parenthood has gone to great lengths to infiltrate national and state PTA’s. Before you trust any PTA, be sure to check out the leadership and find out what values they are pushing (You also do not have to do this alone. Recruit others! Work together!—my addition).”
(Part II tomorrow, the LORD willing)
Life begins at Conception!
Personhood begins with Life!
Having an abortion MURDERS a person!
The culture of MURDER and death is the culture of today! We need to change that culture!
Planned MURDERHOOD is the most prolific MURDER organization in our nation’s history! Without question! And the federal government gives it money! The federal government gives it our money! Why do we allow it?
Galatians 6: 7-8 (NIV)
“Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.”
Victory through JESUS the Christ is complete! The question is how many will join the FAMILY of GOD and how many will be lost?
Let’s make 2015 a benchmark year in protecting all human life from conception to natural death. It can be done. It will not be done if we do not try, pray, work, and put our faith and trust in GOD, JESUS, and the HOLY SPIRIT and THEIR power!
Planned MURDERHOOD is the most prolific MURDER organization in our nation’s history! Without question! And the federal government gives it money! And the federal government gives money to worldwide organizations that MURDER unborn babies! Why are we funding MURDER?
2 Corinthians 5: 10 (NIV)
“For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each of us may receive what is due us for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad.”
Romans 8: 28 (NIV)
“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”
It is past time to end the American holocaust! It is past time to end the culture of MURDER! It is past time to end the MURDER of unborn children! Why are we not doing so?
End the murder of our unborn babies in the 114th Congress.
First babies:
President Barack Hussein Obama: I can not bypass Congress and change the laws on my own!
“HOW PARENTS CAN GAIN CONTROL OF THE SCHOOL SYSTEMS THAT EDUCATE THEIR CHILDREN” (Use the link above to get to the PDF—my addition) is available for download free of charge. Read it and begin acting today. STOPP is here to help. You are not alone.