Thursday, September 26, 2013

John McCain Republican Senator from Arizona is a Democrat-Lite RINO Who Attacked Senator Ted Cruz—Recall John McCain!

“Update: American Truckers Boycotting the Corrupt Federal Government on October 11 for Three Days! Will You Join the Boycott?” Posted on on 9/24/13. Originally post is on on 9/20/13 

Watch this video on abortion and Obamacare:

Everyone should know that Barack Hussein Obama is the most PRO-MURDER President in history even out doing Bill Clinton. Therefore it is understandable that Obamacare is permeated with MURDER of the unborn regardless of their denials! Thus, numerous lawsuits.

I’m getting off of education for the next two posts. Hopefully, I’ll be back to education, Saturday or Monday!


“Recall John McCain
by Gary DeMar

John McCain has got to go. Colorado recalled two state senators because of their opposition to the Second Amendment. It wasn’t too long ago that Gray Davis, the former governor of California, was recalled. This is evidence that a state-wide recall can happen if the voters are ticked off enough (And Arizona has recalled a Governor although the election was not held because, once we got enough signatures, the General Assembly impeached and convicted him! It can be done!my addition).

Some recall elections fail. There was an attempt to recall Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin. Conservatives turned out and Walker beat Tom Barrett 53.1% to 46.3%. That’s another good sign that when conservatives rally around a candidate who stands for and on conservative principles can win.

Those of us in other states will help fund any recall effort. This website and others associated with it will get behind the recall (This is important to know. Contact those who are recalling him! Checking to see how the recall is going, I found some valuable information. I plan to post it tomorrow on this site!my addition).

Please, do America a favor and recall McCain.

Ted Cruz and a few other elected GOP senators are trying to save America from the brink of financial ruin by stopping ObamaCare from going into effect. After a valiant filibuster effort, John McCain took it upon himself to attack the courageous senator from Texas (John McCain should have never been reelected in 2010. And, in partthat is Sarah Palins fault because she supported him against a Tea Party candidate!my addition).

It was hideous.

McCain’s argument is that the voters have spoken on ObamaCare by reelecting the president (What nonsense! Then give him everything he wants! It is the same logic!my addition). It’s a leap in logic to claim that a vote for Obama was a vote for ObamaCare. If that’s so, then why did many Republican Congressmen get reelected because of their opposition to ObamaCare? Don’t their votes count?

It’s obvious that if the president’s reelection means that whatever he proposes must be supported, then there’s no need for an opposition party. This means John McCain isn’t needed in the Senate; therefore, it’s time for him to go back home (Amen to that!my addition).

If all he’s going to do is rubber stamp what the Democrats pass into law, then he’s not needed. We have the Democrats for that. It’s no wonder that McCain’s attack on Cruz and support of the Democrats is said to be ‘the Democratic response.’

There’s no doubt that many people voted for Obama because of ObamaCare. But did they know what it was and its long-term consequences? McCain said in his response to Cruz, ‘elections have consequences (So, roll over and play dead? This from a military man? Has he lost his mind? Has he been bought off?my addition).’ I agree, and so do legislative acts like a national overall of healthcare (Agreed!my addition).

We know that the majority of those who voted for the 2700-page legislation never read it. Nancy Pelosi told us so: ‘We have to pass the bill so you can find out what’s in it, away for the fog of the controversy.’

Sure people voted for a president who claimed that some people would get free healthcare, and the cost of healthcare would go down for everybody else (And you get to keep your doctor! Not! Mine retired a month after passage! He said he wasnt going to deal with the massive bureaucracy that would control his decision-making!my addition). Low-information voters and those already not paying a dime in federal taxes would jump at the chance at that kind of legislation.

But it’s not turning out that way. Reports are coming in from around the country that ObamaCare is leading to layoffs and a rise in healthcare costs, and that’s before it’s been implemented.

We don’t know the long-term consequences of ObamaCare (I do! Single payer government controlled healthcare! That has been the goal of the Democrats all along!my addition). What government program has ever come in on budget (Or stayed within budget over time! It expands! It expands! It expands!my addition)?

So please, Arizona, recall John McCain before it’s too late. I’m ready to contribute.”

The House of Representatives has voted to defund Obamacare. Pray for a positive vote to defund in the United States Senate! We, for the moment, concentrate on the Senate! If the President wants to shut down the government to save this terrible law, so be it!

Contact your Senators by phone at the district offices and the Washington D.C. office, by e-mail, by all means at your disposal! Remind them of the obvious:

1) Obamacare is immoral!

2) Obamacare is illegal!

3) Obamacare is unconstitutional!

4) the American people do NOT want Obamacare implemented!

5) If you vote for Obamacare funding, YOU OWN Obamacare!

6) Obamacare is a vote for, vote against issue in 2014!

7) He/she represents US not the Party and not the President!

Watch this video on Great Britain hospitals!

1,813,128 Signatures to defund

Because I (the speaker in this video) have no morality:

Listen closely to this video:

Senator Chris Murphy (D-Connecticut) next election 2018! Store this until then! They think people have short memories. And some do. Videos help!